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Be Prepared (Part 1)

Posted on Mon May 16th, 2022 @ 1:43pm by Captain Maho Takahashi & Commander Keisuke Takahashi 'K.T.' & Commander Elisabeth Churchill & Lieutenant JG Takumi Fujiwara 'Tak' & Commander Victor Delling MD & Lieutenant Commander Brandon Pratt & Lieutenant Commander Brennyn Scott M.D. & Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair & Lieutenant Alisha Reno
Edited on on Mon May 16th, 2022 @ 1:44pm

1,008 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Trade Troubles
Location: USS Myogi
Timeline: 0300 hours, about halfway to Y'Tem

[USS Myogi; 0300 hours]

The USS Myogi held a steady warp 8 as the New Orleans class starship made its way to the Klingon border. The voyage at warp had thus far been uneventful.

Takahashi Quarters

Maho and Keisuke had been asleep for several hours. With all the stress in Maho's life, from the Myogi's mission, to the deteriorating political situation, to the morning sickness; sleep was one of the few mediums of safety for the Myogi's young captain. She had been lucky in that the morning sickness hadn't woken her up in the middle of the night, and lying next to Keisuke, she felt like nobody in the galaxy could touch her.

Suddenly, the Myogi shook violently; waking up the captain and second officer as the Red Alert klaxons sounded. Within moments, Maho and Keisuke were getting out of bed and changing into their uniforms before heading to the bridge.

As Maho left her quarters, she tapped her combadge:

=A="All hands, report to red alert stations immediately!"=A= She ordered. =A="I repeat, all hands report to red alert stations immediately!"=A=

Sinclair Quarters

Alisha's eyes opened instantly, her senses coming alert as they'd done time and time again whenever something caught her unconscious attention. But this wasn't something minor. She slid out of the bed before she was even aware that she'd started moving, reaching out for the uniform she'd replicated the night before and looked back over her shoulder, where Jane had shifted, "Jane? we've got an alert!" She finally reached over to shake her lover's shoulder.

“Mmmm?” Jane mumbled into her pillow. She rolled onto her side and saw Alisha getting dressed, before the noise of the klaxon began to permeate her semi-conscious state. “Damn,” she said, rolling out of bed and finding the special ready-in-case-of-red-alert uniform and undergarments she kept under the side table. “This better be important.”

"Don't think they call these things for the fun of it." Alisha sealed her pants after tucking in the grey tunic and slid sockless feet into the shoes before grabbing the jacket and trotting towards the door, "See you on the bridge, Sugarcube."

“In the lift behind yours,” Jane called as Alisha walked out the door. True to her word, she was out the door thirty seconds later, fixing her collar as she made her way down the corridor.

Churchill's quarters

Elisabeth was jolted awake by the sudden motion of the ship. When the red alert klaxons began sounding. and Captain Takahashi ordering all hands to their red alert stations, Elisabeth was into her uniform and out of her quarters in minutes.

Pratt’s Quarters

At 0300, Pratt was shaken violently, prompting his body to jolt upright in his bed. What was a warm white night lighting turned to a red flashing hue!

“What the hell?!” Pratt tired. He reached mindlessly frantically for his pair of clothing; half-naked wearing his boxers, he jumped out of bed.

oO Alert….. Red…. Prattstard…. Prattstard, Get Up! Bridge, Ship…. Ship Red… Bad… Oo Hercules. Brandon’s second in command, his male golden retriever, expressed his AI self. The communication chip was working in optimal form.

“It’s cool. It’s alright, bud. Just a jolt.” Brandon jostled into his Engineering uniform, grabbing his pair of communicators, slinking on his wristwatch, and checking the time. “3:00 AM. We’ve been hit!” He commented to nobody but himself. He rushed out of his quarters to Main Engineering.

Brennyn Scott's Quarters

Being awakened from a sound sleep wasn't new for Brennyn. Her previous posting with the criminal investigative service and Starbase Phoenix often required her to be on call to attend to traumatized victims and witnesses or to assess a crime scene for psychological and behavioral clues. Consequently, she had to learn fairly quickly how to get to sleep deeply enough to provide some sort of rest, but not so deeply that she would struggle to come to full alertness when needed. Scott wasn't perfect at it, and some instances were more difficult than others, but it wasn't entirely foreign.

What she wasn't quite used to, however, was being jolted awake because someone or something had decided to toss her around. Eyes springing open and reaching out to steady herself more out of instinct than experience, she shook the mental cobwebs away and was quickly reminded where she was and what was expected of her. Throwing on her uniform and running a hand through her hair, she made her way to the turbo lift and to the bridge.

Victor Delling's Quarters

The shaking of the ship jolted the glass of water that sat on his nightstand just enough to allow it to upend itself all over the sleeping figure of Doctor Victor Delling. The aquatic slap to the face was joined by another rolling shudder of the ship and a realization that they were under attack. The disruptor fire told him it was the Klingons and he knew that couldn't be good.

He sat up and reached for the hangar that was on the hook next to him. Shoving his legs into the pants, the tank top he was sleeping in would do fine, and he grabbed a labcoat. He fastened his insignia to the collar and put his feet in the soft ship shoes that were beside the bed. He could replicate a uniform jacket if he needed one, but the likelyhood was that he would be in surgery for the forseeable.

He would throw on a pot of coffee when he got to sickbay, and headed there in a long legged stride that ate up the distance in between his quarters and sickbay.


Maho and Keisuke exited the turbolift and made their way onto the bridge.

"Report!" Maho ordered as she assumed the captain's seat.

"Three Vor'cha class attack cruisers have just decloaked on our six." Takumi responded. He had been the one flying for the graveyard shift when the surprise attack happened.

To be continued...


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