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Going Behind the Captain's Back

Posted on Tue Aug 1st, 2023 @ 4:30am by Commander Keisuke Takahashi 'K.T.' & Commander Elisabeth Churchill & Lieutenant Commander Tristana & Takeshi Nakazato 'Zack' & Commander Ichika Misono & Lieutenant Commander Kurumi Ebisuzawa & Lieutenant Alisha Reno & Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair
Edited on on Tue Aug 1st, 2023 @ 4:31am

886 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: The Fast & The Fleet
Location: Conference Room, Deck 1
Timeline: After Maho goes to bed, the night before the race

Despite Takeshi's promise, he still felt the NightKids needed to know about the situation with Shimakaze. So, he had asked Keisuke for a favor; to organize a senior staff meeting after Maho went to bed. Takeshi knew it would be at a rather late hour, and turnout would be low because of it, but he had to try.

One of the first people to arrive was the individual who had taken Maho's old spot as Executive Officer, Commander Ichika Misono.

"Commander," she greeted, a look of concern on her face. "May I inquire as to why we're holding a staff meeting at this hour of the night?"

"I know it's late, Commander, but there's something that can't wait until tomorrow." Keisuke said. "Maporin won't be joining us because, well... She needs her sleep."

Ichika nodded. Now that Maho was moving into her second trimester, it was high priority that she take opportunities such as these to get as much rest as she could.

"I take it you're speaking for her, then?" she asked as she drew up a seat.

"That is correct, Commander." Keisuke nodded.

Ichika's attention shifted to the other person in the room- a face she'd seen around in the past couple of days, but one she hadn't had the chance to speak to herself.

"Oh?" she remarked, carefully sizing Takeshi up. "And who's this?"

"I'm sorry, I don't believe we've properly met:" Takeshi said, offering his hand. "I'm Takeshi Nakazato. A long time ago, I used to be third officer on this ship."

Ichika blinked in surprise; in light of the attack on Starfleet Headquarters, she'd spent the couple of weeks reading up on Captain Aisaka's court martial, to try and learn what the could about Tanaka Miyahara and anticipate his next move. She had distinctly recalled the name "Takeshi Nakazato" being brought up in the reports, specifically in reference to a former second officer who had allegedly been bribed by Miyahara to lied under oath in a JAG court of law- an offense typically punishable by up to 10 years in a rehabilitation center, so it was all the more surprising that he was let off with a dishonorable discharge. The details about this "Takeshi Nakazato" were deliberately kept vague, likely for privacy reasons, so presuming this man was, in fact, the same Takeshi Nakazato mentioned in court proceedings, left quite a few questions.

"I see..." she muttered, cautiously shaking Takeshi's hand. "May I ask what brings you back to the Myogi, Mr. Nakazato?"

"Maporin pulled a few strings to bring me back here temporarily to help you all with a street race you guys are supposed to be running against the crew of the Haruna tomorrow." Takeshi explained. "If you want to know more, you'll have to speak with her directly. Though, please let her sleep. She says she's been doing a lot better with the morning sickness as of late."

"Never even crossed my mind to disturb her," Ichika smiled. "But while I have you... once this meeting's all taken care of, would you be willing to speak with me in private?"

"Of course." Takeshi nodded. "Not like there's really a lot I can do otherwise."

Keisuke shot Ichika a concerned glance, but he said nothing.

The next people to arrive were Commanders Tristana and Churchill. The latter of whom had been told she'd be substituting for Commander Queed while the Chief Diplomat was on leave. Both of them quietly nodded in Keisuke and Takeshi's directions before sliding into available seats.

Jane and Alisha were next in, having finished dinner and a relaxing night in before the scheduled late night meeting. Jane hadn’t met the new guy, but was sure introductions would be forthcoming. She nodded to the superior officers and found a seat, with Alisha at her side.

Alisha was using her hands to simulate the ride she had taken earlier in that day, one to indicate the angle she was going at, the other to simulate the actual inner part of the curve, "So you see, especially in the tighter curves, you HAVE to start from the outside, but you can't go over too far or else you'll skid off your wheels. That's one of the reasons for the heavy kneepads, because otherwise, you'll rub your knee right off!"

The doors opened and Kurumi walked in. She had noticeable bags under her eyes and her hair was a mess. Even her uniform looked untidy. Obviously she had rushed to get here and still seemed half asleep. "Who's bright idea was it to call a meeting at this time?!" She protested.

Kurumi instantly froze. There he was again, standing in the corner of the room watching her. The very same child that had been haunting her dreams and keeping her awake was now taunting her waking hours. "Will you just go away!" She whispered under her breath.

Keisuke observed Kurumi's odd behavior when she entered. Maybe it was the late hour getting to her:

"Are you alright, Commander?" Keisuke asked.

Kurumi held her head. "I'm just a little tired that's all." She told him simply. She wasn't going to openly admit something was wrong with her. "It's nothing."

To be continued...


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