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One Crew, One Problematic Captain (Part 3)

Posted on Sun Dec 31st, 2023 @ 4:50am by Commander Elisabeth Churchill & Commander Ichika Misono & Commander Victor Delling MD & Lieutenant Commander Kurumi Ebisuzawa & Lieutenant Commander Brennyn Scott M.D. & Lieutenant Ami Rori & Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair & Lieutenant JG Connor Talmage mr & Lieutenant Karen Kujo 'Union Jane'
Edited on on Sun Dec 31st, 2023 @ 4:51am

1,079 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Operation Tokyo Return
Location: Conference Room, Deck 1
Timeline: After 'One Crew, One Problematic Captain (Part 2)'

Previously, on Star Trek: Myogi:

Victor made a non-committal noise in the back of his throat and listened to what everyone else was saying. He wondered quietly, whether or not this was a setup. It seemed like it might be. And elaborate scheme to see what though? That's the part of it that didn't make sense what was the goal of this?

"Gross flight status would be minimally affected, call it... Eighty-five percent capability." Ami wiggled a hand under her chin, "What we lose is going to be more along the lines of higher-end functionality, scientific abilities, logical combat technicalities, more on the manual side of things on that end. I don't think it'll go this far, guys, this is all contingency. I hope this is all paranoia talking, should be. Crysta thinks it's a bad idea."

“Was thinking about notifications to the console more than actual loss of capability,” Jane clarified. “For all bridge stations affected, even the tiniest amount, you’ll want people on station you can trust.”

Bree took everyone's words into consideration, playing scenarios in her mind. In theory, the process for dealing with someone in Starfleet believed to be a danger to herself or others was straightforward, but in practice, especially when it involved a high-ranking officer, it was one of the trickiest things any healthcare professional would encounter.

And now, the continuation:

Scott could appreciate the discussion of contingency plans, but ultimately, their contingencies didn't address the core issues she would have to take on directly. "I believe you've all given me sufficient grounds to remove Takahashi from duty, at least long enough to warrant a proper evaluation. I will need to have everyone's observations in writing to document officially the justification for our decision," and here she looked to Victor.

Scott would appreciate his support, but strictly speaking, because she was advocating removal based on mental health grounds, her understanding was it wasn't explicitly needed. That aside, this was the sort of decision that required all the support she could get.

"Beyond that," Bree continued, "I think we have to prioritize Captain Aisaka's safety. We are aware of explicit threats against the Captain, which professionally speaking, requires me to offer warning as protection. I'm also not naïve enough to believe Takahashi will accept removal without a fight and I'm glad we're all working together on this, but I wouldn't be much of a counselor if I didn't point out we're still talking about someone who is ill, and therefore vulnerable. Even if we are forced to take larger action as a crew, I still think it's important to approach Takahashi with as much compassion as we can muster. I'd like to think if it were one of us who was compromised like this, we would all do the same."

“Given what we’ve all been through with her these past twenty-four hours,” Jane said glibly, “compassion for our Captain might be in short supply.”

“She wasn’t so bad in Engineering.” Ami gave a half-shrug, “She seems to like shinies, so give her something to look at before she tries to hammer you on something else seems like it may work. Taiga-san seemed very pleasant to me, but some people just don’t get along with each other it seems.”

"Moby Dick can be something of an enigma." Elisabeth pointed out. "Aisaka seemed pleasant when I showed her around the Titanic, so what did she do to bite off Captain Ahab's leg, so to speak?"

"We've all heard the tale of what happened, and I'm sure all believe the portions that we heard. Recall the briefing from the other day? " Victor reminded gently, knowing that she was just not recalling it due to her tiredness. "There is no compassion in removing someone from duty, regardless of the reason. She will not see it as anything other than a betrayal. I don't think that it will matter why we did it, it will boil down to the fact that we did it. I care not for their petty rivalries, but when it endangers the crew I favor a pro rather than a reactive approach."

"You and I are in agreement there," Bree replied. "I also agree that ultimately, we can't control how she sees any action taken against her, but that doesn't mean we can't still make the effort to exhibit compassion and care."

"The two of you make a valid argument," Ichika agreed. "Regardless of how we approach this situation, the fact remains that we have no way of anticipating how Captain Takahashi will react if she is relieved of command- which is why any such action, should it come to pass, must be done both swiftly and effectively. Giving her the opportunity to retaliate if she finds out her own crew has betrayed her could have catastrophic consequences."

“Engineering, Security and you, Commander.” Ami ticked off the major players in what could only be a coup, “Can do it without Security for a very short term, but they’ve got the guns. As I said, they really need to screen engineers better or at least set up some sort of safeguards that we can’t skirt around.“ She gave an apologetic shrug and slight smile to the rest of the officers at the table, before gesturing to herself, Kurumi and Ichika, “Unanimity and coordination from the rest of you would be useful, but the only ones who absolutely need to stick our necks into the rope are us three if it comes down to it.”

Bree looked to her left and then to her right. "I can't speak for all of you, but I say what's right is worth owning. I can think of no finer souls to share the rope with if it comes to it."

"Well said, Counselor," Ichika nodded in agreement, before turning to address the rest of the senior staff. "Well, then... unless anyone else here has anything to add, I think we can consider this meeting adjourned; best get some rest... we're all going to need it."

Posting By:

Commander Ichika Misono
Executive Officer

Commander Elisabeth Churchill
Chief Diplomatic Officer

Commander Victor Delling
Chief Medical Officer

Lieutenant Commander Kurumi Ebisuzawa
Chief Security/Tactical Officer

Lieutenant Commander Brennyn Scott
Chief Counselor

Lieutenant Ami Rori
Chief Engineer

Lieutenant Karen Kujo
Squadron Leader

Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair
Chief Flight Control Officer

Lieutenant JG Connor Talmage
Chief Science Officer


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