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One Crew, One Problematic Captain (Part 2)

Posted on Sun Dec 31st, 2023 @ 4:48am by Commander Elisabeth Churchill & Commander Ichika Misono & Commander Victor Delling MD & Lieutenant Commander Kurumi Ebisuzawa & Lieutenant Commander Brennyn Scott M.D. & Lieutenant Ami Rori & Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair & Lieutenant JG Connor Talmage mr & Lieutenant Karen Kujo 'Union Jane'
Edited on on Sun Dec 31st, 2023 @ 5:57am

1,186 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Operation Tokyo Return
Location: Conference Room, Deck 1
Timeline: After 'One Crew, One Problematic Captain (Part 1)'

Previously, on Star Trek: Myogi:

"When Captain Takahashi asked me to accompany her on the tour for Captain Aisaka, she asked me to be armed with a phaser rifle," Kurumi said. "With a standing order to shoot Captain Aisaka on her command," Kurumi paused for a moment. "Obviously, I didn't bring a phaser rifle on a shop tour. However, I am concerned at Captain Takahashi's mental state. She's made herself judge, jury and executioner. The only person who can relieve her is the Chief Medical Officer. But that means command of the Myogi then falls to the next senior ranking officer on board..." she looked at Ichika. "Unfortunately that means Captain Aisaka, and that I doubt will go down well..."

And now, the continuation:

"Only if we let her." Ami mumbled at first, then more clearly, "She's listed as a passenger aboard and not in the chain of command. Regulations are rather fuzzy about if she could assume it and we have a hole card if she tries to use the computers. Take down the main computer bank, bring up the tertiary to take over. We'd lose forty percent efficiency, but it's designed for emergency use and can keep the ship running." She opened her eyes for a few seconds, "Tricky people we engineers are, really should screen us better than they do. Could make the ship go Boom if we wanted to, easy.." Her eyes closed again.

"While a part of me hopes it's not going to come to this," Ichika continued, "We have to be prepared in the likelihood that we will have to relieve Captain Takahashi of duty."

"So you're thinking of staging a mutiny?" Karen smirked.

"We will not be staging a mutiny, Kujo," Ichika reiterated, shooting her Squadron Leader a look for even fathoming the thought. "A mutiny would be a last resort if all other alternatives were exhausted. Until that happens, I believe it is in our best interests to formulate a contingency plan that will allow us to relieve the Captain of duty swiftly, effectively, and- above all else- bloodlessly."

She leaned forwards, placing her hands on the table. "Any suggestion short of active violence is up for discussion, beginning now."

Ami's head, eyes closed still, tilted as she gave a thumbs up, almost as if pointing upwards at what she'd said before, the words having vanished into the air. As the thumb came down, her head nestled again onto her hands. Her plan was from her side, if it were really needed.

"So, what do we do?" Kurumi asked. "She's treating Aisaka like some genocidal war criminal. I followed that trial, Admiral Miyahara and Lieutenant Nakazato tried to throw Captain Aisaka 'under the bus' so to speak." Kurumi explained. "Now Miyahara is staging protests across the Federation. I think Captain Takahashi is letting her own personal feelings interfere with this mission."

"My thoughts exactly, Commander," Ichika nodded, before shifting her attention to Ami. "Lieutenant Rori, you raise a valid argument in favor of indiscreetly swapping out the main computer bank in favor of the tertiary one, but if we were to follow through on that scheme, I'd want to reckon in the feasibility of covering our tracks; if Captain Takahashi is in any way clued into our plan, then that would alert her to the fact that her own crew is against her, which could only serve to heighten her instability."

"I hate to play devil's advocate, but what if what we all saw with that trial wasn't what Captain Takahashi saw?" Elisabeth suggested. "I've looked over her personnel file; she's not served on any other ship but this one. What if she was potentially served a different point of view on the trial by Miyahara?"

Ami opened one eye halfway, as if waking up a bit in response to her name, “For the latter, where’s our Intelligence Officer? They should have more knowledge on that point than the rest of us. Would be possible, yes, given that she was in close connection with the Admiral.” She shrugged at that, again, politics weren’t her forte, “As for the the former, Give me five minutes warning, less really, and I can handle the systems swap. It’s not a ‘discreet’ operation, Commander, once done it’ll be obvious once anything not-normal happens. I can’t just place the primary on standby, you see, I have to shut it down, lock it down. Bringing it back up would take about an hour for someone who knows what they’re doing and precisely what they did to the system. For someone knowledgeable in engineering? Several hours with what I have in mind. I’ll also have to… Make prior changes to the Tertiary to keep her out of it, nothing too dramatic, but new sequences of command codes for a limited number of people.”

"I'm afraid that details concerning Lieutenant Reno's whereabouts are unavailable to us at this given time," Ichika lamented, stealing a wayward glance at the empty seat that would've typically been filled by Alisha. "We'd received word that she scored a major acting role, but the terms of her NDA didn't allow us to press her for additional information."

Jane knew a bit more, but not enough that would be helpful. “The intel angle is a dead end,” she confirmed. “Depending on how long we’re talking, I can keep us at normal flight operations for a while. I can respond to fluctuations or other issues without the computer core. But I’ll need to be in the chair the whole time. Another flight officer won’t know to do it manually, and truthfully I don’t think I can trust Takumi with this.”

Victor made a non-committal noise in the back of his throat and listened to what everyone else was saying. He wondered quietly, whether or not this was a setup. It seemed like it might be. And elaborate scheme to see what though? That's the part of it that didn't make sense what was the goal of this?

"Gross flight status would be minimally affected, call it... Eighty-five percent capability." Ami wiggled a hand under her chin, "What we lose is going to be more along the lines of higher-end functionality, scientific abilities, logical combat technicalities, more on the manual side of things on that end. I don't think it'll go this far, guys, this is all contingency. I hope this is all paranoia talking, should be. Crysta thinks it's a bad idea."

“Was thinking about notifications to the console more than actual loss of capability,” Jane clarified. “For all bridge stations affected, even the tiniest amount, you’ll want people on station you can trust.”

Bree took everyone's words into consideration, playing scenarios in her mind. In theory, the process for dealing with someone in Starfleet believed to be a danger to herself or others was straightforward, but in practice, especially when it involved a high-ranking officer, it was one of the trickiest things any healthcare professional would encounter.

To be continued...


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