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One Crew, One Problematic Captain (Part 1)

Posted on Sun Dec 31st, 2023 @ 2:48am by Commander Elisabeth Churchill & Commander Ichika Misono & Commander Victor Delling MD & Lieutenant Commander Kurumi Ebisuzawa & Lieutenant Commander Brennyn Scott M.D. & Lieutenant Ami Rori & Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair & Lieutenant JG Connor Talmage mr & Ensign Ruby Kurosawa
Edited on on Sun Dec 31st, 2023 @ 2:49am

1,076 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Operation Tokyo Return
Location: USS Myogi (NCC-65918), Main Conference Room, Deck 1
Timeline: 0300 Hours, Mission Day 2

It was early in the morning, and the crew of the Myogi were climbing back into bed, fashioning themselves an early breakfast, or resuming their usual duties following an unannounced early morning "silent boat drill." However, the nature of this drill meant that before the Myogi's senior officers were allowed to return to their quarters, Commander Misono had called a staff meeting.

Elisabeth was one of the first people into the conference room besides Commander Misono. She yawned and rubbed the sleep from her eyes before assuming her seat.

Ami was nearly the opposite, though she wore her lotus-flower patterned pajamas as she walked in with her face staring at a PADD, fingers moving in a rhythmic pattern. Was it a game? Was it a report? The angle she carried the PADD made it nearly impossible to tell as she settled into a chair and tucked her feet up under her.

Kurumi arrived still in her uniform. She looked around, it was unusual for a meeting to be called at this hour.

Jane was still in the coveralls she’d thrown on and was beyond uncomfortable but there was no way she’d be going back to sleep tonight. She was planning on going to the gym after the drill, but Commander Misono’s summons took precedent, so here she was, nursing a fruit smoothie and hoping this wouldn’t take long.

Connor was laying in his bed, Not necessarily sleeping as he was typically a night owl. Conventily he was still in uniform when he received the alert.

He grabbed his badge, Straightened his uniform and made his way to the conference room.

"lieutenant Talmage reporting for duty." He said.

Bree moved into the conference room, more weary than before, but trying not to show it. Now that some of the adrenaline from the drill had worn off, Scott wanted nothing but her bed. This was not an unfamiliar feeling to any Starfleet healer, however, and in that spirit, she reached for the time honored companions of the countless healers that it could be for her: a giant mug of raktajino.

Victor came with a earthenware mug of tea, already steaming in his hand. The glaze on it was a lovely green and it matched the stripe at the bottom of the black silk pajamas he was wearing. It was half empty and he walked first to the replicator to refresh it.

"Thank you all for coming." Ichika began as she looked over the tired faces of the Myogi's senior staff. "I summoned you all here to discuss an issue that's been of growing concern as of late; I'm sure that all of you have experienced it in some way, shape, or form, but whatever the case, it's prevalence brings into question the safety of this ship and her crew."

Ami finally set her PADD down, the fatigue actually now showing in her eyes, "Ah so." She said quietly, "Not talking about the ship herself, I see, but someone that can be said to BE the ship." She thought for a moment, "While the trunk of the tree can be said to control the branches, it is those outcroppings that provide the trunk much of what it needs to survive." The words were seemingly cryptic, but she wanted to avoid directly stating who the problem was.

Kurumi didn't 'beat around the bush' so to say. "So, which Captain are you on about? Takahashi or Aisaka?"

"Captain Takahashi," Ichika clarified. "As I'm sure all of you are aware by now, ever since we brought Captain Aisaka on board, Captain Takahashi's mental state has been brought into question; I have reports that she's written officers up for negligible infractions, made known her vitriol for Captain Aisaka, and even lashed out at officers who have tried to get her to see reason. And it is this matter that I have brought you here to discuss, because if left to its own devices, I am concerned that her anger could pose a risk- not just to Captain Aisaka, but to us as a crew."

“Haaaaaai.”(Yes) Ami agreed as she placed one hand stop the other on the table and leaned forward to place her chin on them, “A bumblebee may only sting once before it perishes, but a wasp stings again and again, causing its victim to strike out at in an attempt to relieve their pain.” She sighed deeply, “For Maho-sama, Taiga is the wasp that she cannot hit, instead unwary victims get squashed.”

"In other words, Captain Takahashi is Captain Ahab, and Captain Aisaka is Moby Dick." Elisabeth said. "And we, as a crew, are in the position of the Pequod's crew."

“I was about to ask what’s the worst that could happen,” Jane said. “Not rhetorically but hypothetically. But enough bad scenarios have crossed my mind that we don’t need to explore that train of thought.” She looked to Ami. “To further Lieutenant Rori’s metaphor, Captain Takahashi might resort to insecticide and take out all the bugs at once, including us. We’re, I don’t know, pollinators? Honey bees? Something helpful anyway. Look, I’m tired.”

"Worker bees that the Queen bee can squash at her whim." Ami mentioned as her eyes drifted shut on her hand-pillow, "But like Japanese honeybees, together we're stronger than..." She trailed off.

"Yes, because honeybees can increase the heat in the hive with their bodies, and boil the wasps to death...and some of the bees as well. I for one do not care to make sacrifices for someone else's held grudge." Victor spoke softly but there was an edge to his voice. He still resented being called stupid in his own sickbay.

"When Captain Takahashi asked me to accompany her on the tour for Captain Aisaka, she asked me to be armed with a phaser rifle," Kurumi said. "With a standing order to shoot Captain Aisaka on her command," Kurumi paused for a moment. "Obviously, I didn't bring a phaser rifle on a shop tour. However, I am concerned at Captain Takahashi's mental state. She's made herself judge, jury and executioner. The only person who can relieve her is the Chief Medical Officer. But that means command of the Myogi then falls to the next senior ranking officer on board..." she looked at Ichika. "Unfortunately that means Captain Aisaka, and that I doubt will go down well..."

To be continued...


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