
A Baby Shower for Baby Takahashi (Part 3)

Posted on Mon Sep 16th, 2024 @ 5:14am by Captain Maho Takahashi & Commander Elisabeth Churchill & Commander Ichika Misono & Lieutenant Commander Kurumi Ebisuzawa & Lieutenant Commander Brennyn Scott M.D. & Lieutenant Ami Rori & Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair & Lieutenant Vivienne Erebos & Lieutenant Karen Kujo 'Union Jane' & Lieutenant Alisha Reno & Yaeka Sakuragi
Edited on on Mon Sep 16th, 2024 @ 5:16am

1,215 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Captains and Contraband
Location: Five Forward
Timeline: After 'A Baby Shower for Baby Takahashi (Part 2)'

Previously, on Star Trek: Myogi:

"Think you can handle it, Lieutenant?" Maho asked with a smug grin. "Because once you get the hang of it, blindfolded changing will be next. Adds to the realism of the early morning diaper change."

“Challenge accepted,” Jane said, grinning at the Captain. “Besides, I’ve got industrial grade hand cleaner in the Shuttlebay, so a little mess won’t hurt me!” she added with a laugh.

"Commander, why don't you take everyone's order for the drinks they want to start off with?"

"Certainly, Captain," Ichika smiled before disappearing into the kitchen and re-emerging with a tray of drinks.

And now, the continuation:

"The rules for this first activity are fairly straightforward," she explained as she handed out glasses to each of their guests. "Contained within each of your drinks is an ice cube that holds a small gummy candy which the Humans refer to as a "Jelly Baby." The goal of this game will be to free your respective Jelly Baby by melting the ice, after which you will immediately have to declare that your "water broke", in reference to the mother's amniotic sac tearing right before she goes into labor. The first person to do so will be eligible for a voucher for luxury replicator rations, good for a maximum of 10 usages."

Vivienne traced the flower tattoo visible on her forearm as she listened to the instructions. It was again, a charming little game. Humans had such fun ideas and customs surrounding the births of their children.

"Erm... Quick question:" Elisabeth piped up. "Does the ice have to melt? Or can it be broken through... Other means?" She glanced towards, Karen, expecting what her strategy would be if means other than melting the ice were authorized.

"Only one way to find out!" Karen proclaimed as she began plucking the ice cubes from her glass and hurling them at the wall.

Elisabeth simply turned back towards Ichika. She was the one who laid out the rules of the game and wasn't clear enough on how they could go about freeing the gummy babies, so if this were to stop, it would need to be Ichika's word, not hers.

Ichika nodded and loudly cleared her throat to get Karen's attention.

"Ah, Lieutenant?" she began politely. "In the spirit of competition, I think it would be in your best interests to stop that, please."

Karen pouted.

"Well, that puts that to bed, then." Elisabeth said, plucking the ice cube containing the gummy candy from her drink and clenching her fist around it. "The trick, then, is finesse..."

“Finesse is right.” Ami stated at the table where she’d placed her ice cube, a tricorder in hand. Her skirt was caught on something that was against her thigh and she was showing a bit more of the spotted leg of hers than was normal. She’d already exposed half of the gummy baby as a puddle rapidly formed around the rapidly diminishing ice cube. She readjusted the angle of the tricorder and after a crew more seconds raised her hand, “My water broke!” She called triumphantly before grabbing her drink, a mimosa that was VERY light on the vodka, and downing half of it.

"I think we have a winner!" Ichika proclaimed as she handed Ami the voucher. "Congratulations, Lieutenant; here's your prize."

The half-Trill rubbed her hands together greedily as she accepted the voucher and gave Elizabeth a warning look to keep her paws off of the prize, then tucked it into the apparent garter belt that held what appeared to be an engineering kit where she'd gotten the tricorder from, "Do you know what sort of sushi I can get with this? Not just that, but better things!"

"Alright, alright: Now let's get into our next activity, shall we?" Maho asked, standing up and moving over to the table with a baby mannequin laying on it. "Now, when you see me on the bridge looking like a horse kicked me in the face, chances are, it'll be because I had a bad night's sleep because I had to at least once change baby girl's diaper during the night, and this next activity is designed to educate you on what I must do."

Maho picked up a tube of diaper rash cream that was on a chair out of sight of the other officers and placed it on the table.

"Now, because diaper rash happens sometimes, but not all the time, everyone's names are going to be put on that wheel over there." Maho pointed to a prize wheel set up in the corner. "And every round, the wheel is going to get spun, and whoever's name it lands on, that officer will have to apply diaper rash cream on their next turn, which the officer after them will need to wipe away. Now a static mannequin is no substitute for a live, squirming baby, but the basic steps are as follows:"

Maho picked up the mannequin for demonstrative purposes.

"So, you always want to make sure that the baby is laid on their back, then you undo the used diaper." She explained. "You'll want to wrap it up and use the diaper tapes to seal it. Once you're done, you'll toss the used diaper in the diaper pail on this chair here. As that fills up, someone will need to bring it over to the replicator so that the diapers can be recycled. "

Maho then grabbed one of the baby wipes from the pack.

"Next, you'll want to gently clean the child. Though we won't be using a fecal matter substitute, if the person before you had to apply diaper rash cream, you will need to wipe it off." Maho said, grabbing the tube of diaper rash cream. "Speaking of which, when the diaper rash strikes, you want to take some of this cream and apply it to the affected area. It typically happens somewhere around here..."

Maho rubbed the ointment in the indicated area on the mannequin.

"Then, you'll want to take your fresh diaper from the stack, and carefully raise the legs and lower body by the ankles until you can slide the fresh diaper underneath." Maho explained as she demonstrated the process. "Then, once you make sure the diaper is in the correct orientation, you'll want to pull it up between the legs and place the front on the belly. Next, you'll want to fasten it down: You'll want to take each of the wings and attach the adhesive on each wing to the front. Now, make sure it's not too tight or too loose- rule of thumb is two fingers should be able to slot between the diaper and the baby's stomach. If you can't do that, it's too tight, if you can fit more than two fingers, it's too loose. Last step is just to unfold the leg cuffs like so. Once that's finished, we're going to relocate the child to a safe area, like their crib, and clean up the changing area."

Maho then moved the mannequin to another table, simulating the "crib," before wiping down the table where she had just made the demonstration.

"Any questions?"

to be continued...



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