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New Orders (Part 2)

Posted on Wed Sep 11th, 2024 @ 5:07am by Captain Maho Takahashi & Commander Keisuke Takahashi 'K.T.' & Commander Elisabeth Churchill & Commander Ichika Misono & Commander Victor Delling MD & Lieutenant Commander Kurumi Ebisuzawa & Lieutenant Commander Brennyn Scott M.D. & Lieutenant Ami Rori & Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair
Edited on on Wed Sep 11th, 2024 @ 5:08am

1,227 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Captains and Contraband
Timeline: After 'New Orders (Part 1)'

Previously, on Star Trek: Myogi:

Maho loudly cleared her throat as a subtle cue to the two Lieutenant Commanders to save further discussion on the topic of the Myogi's new civilian until after the briefing. Shortly after this happened, Commander Churchill arrived and took her seat at the table, nodding to the command staff and her fellow crewmates as she did so.

Jane was the next one in. Freedom from the brig had come a number of weeks earlier but not much had happened to the ship in that time. The pilot was getting antsy for them to get started. She nodded to her crewmates, giving a warm smile for her little sister Ami, and then took an available seat.

Victor arrived a moment later humming a tune under his breath. He was tanned, so he'd spent some time in actual sunshine and it seemed to agree with him. He nodded to everyone and settled into a seat with his cup of tea in his hands.

With her senior staff assembled, Maho finally proceeded to assume her seat, clicking a button on the table and causing a holographic image of the Rheuysian coat of arms to flicker into existence above it, as well as the screen behind her to change to the state flag of the Federal Rheuysian Republic. The flag was a tricolor design of the official state colors of the Republic: Black on top, red in the middle, and finally blue on bottom. The blue was meant to signify the Rheuysians' status as a Federation member world. In addition, the flag featured the Rheuysian coat of arms.

"This is the Federal Rheuysian Republic:" Maho explained. "First established in 2270 as the official successor state of the Rheuysian Reich, it has since risen to become one of our most important defense contractors... And that is where we are headed once we rendezvous with the Kaga"

And now, the continuation:

Maho took a moment to open the floor for any questions as to the seemingly counter-intuitive nature of their mission- Rheuys was one of the more loyal Federation member worlds, vehemently decrying the Confederacy as traitors. But more importantly, it would give Maho a moment to catch her breath, as the introductory statement left her out of breath.

"Why?" came the simple question from Victor as the looks of uncertainty crossed the faces of many in the room. He too was not pleased with the sort of introduction this sort of lead in suggested.

"During her... unauthorized surface excursion, Lieutenant Amaro recovered a handful of data cards from a Gamma Zendorian detention center," Commander Anzai elaborated as she set one of the recovered items down on the table. "After consulting with our data analysts, we have identified an elaborate gunrunning operation that has been sourcing weapons to the Confedracy. The data identifies at least 42 independent cells- some of which were already well known to us, such as Andoria First and the Orion Syndicate. However, it has also identified several other cells that were not previously known to Starfleet Intelligence, including a large cell that we have reason to believe is operating out of the Rheuysian home world, Rheuys, with possible connections extending up through some of the the highest levels of government."

Jane bit her lower lip, forcing herself not to smile at the reference to her and Mia’s excursion to Gamma Zednor.

"Of course, the Rheuysians are a very prideful people; so we can't just flat out accuse them of selling arms to the Confederacy." Maho explained. "Otherwise, we shall be swiftly escorted out of Rheuysian space with Rheuysian weapons trained on us."

“What are the chances that this is being done without senior government leadership knowledge?” Jane asked.

"Unlikely, especially given how big the gunrunning ring is speculated to be." Keisuke responded. "The question is, does the corruption extend all the way to the Rheuysian Kaiser?"

"That exact question is why Captain Kaga of the Kaga has requested our assistance in this matter." Maho added. "Two Starfleet crews working a case together are more effective than one."

"There is one more thing we have to bear in mind," Ichika announced as she stood up. "As I'm sure you're all aware by now, the Captain was extensively court martialed for this crew's egregious mishandling of diplomacy on Gamma Zendor, and very narrowly lost her commission as Commanding Officer of this vessel. As you can imagine, Starfleet Command has been keeping a very close eye on us, and will likely continue to do so as we begin talks with the Rheuysian Kaiser; therefore, it is crucial that we be on our best behavior for this assignment- that means no unauthorized shore excursions..." -she glanced at Jane as she mentioned that- "...and no 'modifications' of the tactical systems without first seeking direct approval from the Command Staff." -and then shifted her gaze over to Kurumi.

"We have one final chance to redeem ourselves with Starfleet Command," Commander Anzai adjoined. "If we lose the Rheuysians over this affair, I guarantee that all of you here will be unlikely to see anything outside of a backwater desk job for the remainder of your career here in Starfleet. Do I make myself crystal clear?"

"Couldn't be worse than some places I've seen." Ami remarked, having remained quiet most of the briefing, "But I'll make sure that Engineering is in top shape and make a search for... Extraneous programming that shouldn't be there." She gave a grim smile.

Building on the engineer's enthusiasm, Bree offered, "I am happy to be of service anyway I can."

"Are there any other questions?" Maho asked.

Kurumi took this chance to speak up. "I happen to know this area of space rather well. I've been here before," she started. "It might be worth contacting the Eifie their neighbours. They may have more information including any ship movements in the area. I know they monitor pretty much everything that moves near their space."

"If any of the shipments have moved through Eifie space, they'd likely have a record of it." Elisabeth surmised. "It could be worth looking into."

"Then, make it so." Maho said. "But let's try and keep any communications with the Eifie on the down low. We may be over a century removed from them and the Rheuysians joining the Federation, but if the Rheuysians catch wind of our communications with the Eifie, Kaiser Shnauf might jump to the conclusions that the allegations have been made up by the Eifie to rat the Republic out."

Maho took a moment to catch her breath and gather herself. Long-winded explanations were getting quite hard for her to carry.

"Well, then; if there are no other questions, we are to rendezvous with the Kaga at 1200 hours." She stated. "If anyone else has any questions or concerns, you may come to me or Commanders Misono, Takahashi, or Anzai if I am not available. Dismissed."

Posting by

Captain Maho Takahashi
Commanding Officer

Commander Ichika Misono
Executive Officer

Commander Keisuke Takahashi
Second Officer

Commander Chiyomi Anzai
Third Officer

Commander Victor Delling
Chief Medical Officer

Commander Elisabeth Churchill
Chief Diplomatic Officer

Lieutenant Commander Kurumi Ebisuzawa
Chief Security/Tactical Officer

Lieutenant Commander Brennyn Scott
Chief Counselor

Lieutenant Ami Rori
Chief Engineer

Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair
Chief Flight Control Officer


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