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NightKids, Assemble! (Part 1)

Posted on Thu Jul 13th, 2023 @ 4:59am by Captain Maho Takahashi & Commander Keisuke Takahashi 'K.T.' & Lieutenant Commander Tristana & Lieutenant JG Takumi Fujiwara 'Tak' & Commander Ichika Misono & Lieutenant Commander Kurumi Ebisuzawa & Lieutenant Commander Brennyn Scott M.D. & Lieutenant Alisha Reno & Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair & Lieutenant Karen Kujo 'Union Jane'
Edited on on Thu Jul 13th, 2023 @ 5:02am

1,237 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: The Fast & The Fleet
Location: Holodeck One
Timeline: 0800 hours, The day after 'A Contest of Teamwork, Courage, and Sacrifice'

Takumi woke up early the next morning. Not as early as he did for his tofu deliveries, but still bright and early as he made his way to Holodeck One. He had met up with Keisuke the night, where his old Project D running mate asked him to be a downhill instructor for a new team the Captain was putting together: She was calling it the NightKids, just like Nakazato's old team. Not one to turn down something racing related, Takumi had accepted Keisuke's offer, which was how he was now making his way towards Holodeck One.

As Takumi stepped through the doors onto the Holodeck, his lungs took in the cool morning air of the running simulation. As his eyes adjusted to the simulation, he found himself standing in a carpark on Mount Akagi, with the darkness just starting to give way to dawn. It was an interesting choice to say the least; considering Akagi was where Takumi has blown his engine the first time, so Akagi held a bittersweet place in Takumi's heart, though he knew it would be Keisuke's first choice for training.

Looking to the side, Takumi found parked nearby his Toyota Sprinter Trueno alongside Keisuke's FD RX-7 and... Was that Nakazato's GT-R?

Keisuke and Maho were talking near the cars when they noticed Takumi step onto the holodeck. Keisuke waved Takumi over.

"Thank you for volunteering your time, Lieutenant." Maho said as Takumi approached. "With yours and K.T.'s prowess, the NightKids should be ready to take on the SpeedStars in two weeks' time."

The SpeedStars? Takumi thought. Like Iketani's team? No, that can't be right...

"I mean, it's no problem, but..." Takumi muttered, pointing to the GT-R. "That's Nakazato's car, but Nakazato isn't here. Is he coming too?"

"I'm... Working on that, Lieutenant." Maho winked. "Unfortunately, there's quite a few strings I have to pull, given everything that's happened."

"If you need any assistance with pulling strings, ma'am, just let me know what I can do to help." Alisha made her presence known, presuming that she hadn't already been noticed as the door had hissed seemingly super-loud when she'd walked in. She'd dug up the parameters for an old outfit of hers, which included a jacket with a large six pointed star in glittering silver on the back, also with arms trimmed in silver, "Mind if I import my ride to the program?"

"Everyone will have to pick one eventually, Lieutenant." Maho responded, indicating it was alright for Alisha to import her vehicle to the program.

"Thank you, ma'am." Alisha's smile widened as she pulled up a remote display and activated the vehicle she was going to be using for the competition. The sleek Kawasaki Ninja ZX10RRR had been an upgraded version of the venerable superbike. A deep navy blue with neon blue highlights with signatures on the chassis from some of her co-stars, it was a recreation of the bike she had in a garage back on Earth, the same bike model that she'd used in an actual movie. She reached out and caressed the handlebars briefly.

Next to arrive was Commander Misono- surprisingly not as early as either Takumi or Alisha, but punctual as always. She wasn't sporting anything fancy, just her usual Starfleet uniform- as far as she was informed, this was a test of pure, mechanical skill, and did not necessitate any special garb for the occasion.

"Captain," she greeted, before shifting her attention towards Keisuke's RX-7.

"Ah, so this is the fabled 'FD3S' I've heard so much about?" she remarked, running a finger along the rear fender. "Am I to presume that this initial practice session will cover the basics of its operation?"

"Of course;" Takumi smiled. "Like my old man once said, there's no point in learning to drive fast if you don't learn to drive smoothly as well."

Next in was Jane. A racer in her own right, she still expected she'd need the most training among those who would be participating. She had the skills, the reflexes, and most importantly the drive and the attitude, but her specific skillset was racing things in space, not wheeled vehicles on the ground.

She was wearing a command red Starfleet mechanic coverall, the top half off her shoulders and tied around her waist, her upper half covered by a white tank top. She was ready to get herself deep into whatever vehicle she'd be driving.

"Good morning," she said to the assembled group. "I'm ready, Sensei," she said directly to Takumi. She outranked Mr. Fujiwara, but here he was the expert, and she would submit to his teachings for maximum effect. She'd privately talked with him earlier about it, to head off any potential awkwardness. "Where's mine?" she added, jokingly.

"Have you decided which segment you're going to run?" Takumi asked. "Or are you going to be a daredevil and run a mixed uphill and downhill? What you pick might depend on who you get as an instructor."

"Mix, of course!" Jane said. She was exactly who the ship needed to help with this course.

"Sounds like you'll be needing help from both of us, then." Keisuke said, stepping over.

The next person to arrive was Lieutenant Commander Tristana, whom had arranged along with Maho for her to temporarily assume the role of Ops Chief so that she could participate.

"Hola! (Hello!)" Tristana called out, noticing that a few people were already there. "Well, it looks like I'm not too early, but I'm not late either."

"Guess that makes two of us, pet?" Lieutenant Kujo grinned as she stepped out onto the holodeck, a white polo and plaid miniskirt complimenting her now-signature jacket.

"I see Capitan (Captain) Takahashi still hasn't had any luck recruiting an Air boss..." Tristana muttered.

"Ah, don't pretend you aren't happy to see me, Lieutenant~" Karen replied, playfully ruffling Tristana's shoulder. "Or perhaps you're jealous that I'm already spoken for?"

"I believe the proper way to address me is Commander, Lieutenant." Tristana responded. "I suppose you could have had this rank too, had you not decided to remain on the ship and eat bon-bons while I repelled the mob that stormed Starfleet Headquarters."

Before things could escalate, however, Maho made her way over to the two of them.

"There are no Commanders or Lieutenants on the NightKids." She politely reminded them. "By coming here, you agreed to leave your rank behind at the arch."

"Yes, ma'am." Tristana said sheepishly.

Jane grinned to herself. So Karen is spoken for now. Will need to pry details later.

Bree had no idea what to wear to this meeting, so she settled on a simple navy pantsuit that wasn't too fancy and would allow for comfort. Most of her civilian wardrobe fit that description, as even before joining Starfleet, she was taught to be of service, her clothing should be presentable, but functional, and shouldn't attract undue attention.

Looking around, she admired everyone's self-expression and just hoped she wouldn't let the team down with her inexperience.

Kurumi didn't know what all the fuss was about, but she had decided to go to this 'street race'. It must have been her curiosity, or the ract it might become a security risk that made her attend.

To be continued...


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