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Double Trouble! (Part 1)

Posted on Tue Apr 16th, 2024 @ 5:29am by Captain Maho Takahashi & Commander Keisuke Takahashi 'K.T.' & Lieutenant Commander Tristana & Commander Ichika Misono & Lieutenant Ami Rori & Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair & Lieutenant JG Max Gill & Commander Chiyomi Anzai & Ensign Ruby Kurosawa
Edited on on Tue Apr 16th, 2024 @ 5:30am

1,258 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Junichi Koyama
Location: USS Myogi (NCC-65918), Transporter Room 3, Deck 6
Timeline: Immediately After "Taking One For The Road" and "Meeting with the Governor"

The transporter powered up whirling and humming as the operator locked onto Ensign Kurosawa and Lieutenant Rori. "Got them..." he muttered as he finished the sequence. After a few brief moments both the women were standing on the pad.

Ami gave Ruby's shoulder a little squeeze before she all but jumped off the transporter pad towards the console, "Chief, I need you to get a trace on Commander Ebisuzawa right the hell now! She's in trouble and we need to get a lock on her and get her out of there!"

Max blinked, then startled in alarm when Ami jumped towards him at the console. He had been at the station as a courtesy and formality to assist his crew, not to be accosted! He all but prepared for a beating which his mind tried to process deserving when the Lieutenant spoke her demand. He had seen antsy Chief Engineering Officers before but this took the cake! Then again, it was a dire situation.

"On it," he said, trying to regain his composure. He heaved in a breath as his fingers flew across the console. His expression dimmed, then soured. He looked back at the Chief of Engineering with a somber expression.

"I'm sorry, Lieutenant, the sensors can't find her," he said. He squinted his eyebrows, then tried again. This time boosting power from sensors. After a moment, he looked dejected again, raising his head to look at the Lieutenant.

"Still nothing," he reported.

"Use where Ruby and I were at as a base reference zone, then North about twenty meters and..." Ami closed her eyes as she tried to guesstimate distance and direction, "One hundred twenty meters Easterly. Use the lifesign sensors and you should see a group of people, she's in that group. Hell, get the whole GROUP!" She started digging inoto the pockets of the purse she held for her phaser, "We'll stun the lot of them and pull the Commander out of it!"

Max raised an eyebrow but followed the instructions. There had been some intense disruptions to the sensors, but he managed to pinpoint the group. His eyebrows raised as, for a second, the interference lifted. He couldn't get a lock on any one individual, but the computer was able to lock on the group.

"Got'em!" he said, excitedly. He then locked on and turned up the transporter. He pulled out his phaser. "They're incoming. Couldn't get a solid lock on any one of them. So their group and whatever was around them is coming up."

Ami sighed in relief as she plucked her tiny phaser out, then glanced over the patterns on the console. One thing caught her eye and her eyes widened, “Abort transport!” She blurted out even as her hand automatically reached out to hit the emergency abort button. Behind them, the pads lit up and began to grow with intensity before finally growing dim again as the transport sequence aborted.

Ami stepped around to the back of the console and gave a frustrated look to Max, “Dammit! Sorry, there was a feedback loop starting and..” She brought up the sensor log, “You had the lock all right, then someone flipped on an inhibitor. Had to abort or we’d have had that go Boom and lost everyone we’d had a lock on.” Her hand smacked the console in anger, “Dammit, dammit, dammit!” She finally tapped the console, “Bridge, transporter room. Commander Ebisuzawa has been captured and we cannot obtain a transporter lock on her.”

"Understood." Came Keisuke's reply. "Make a note of the time. Lieutenant Commander Kurumi Ebisuzawa will be marked as missing in action."

There was a stern look exchanged between Max and Ami. He didn't regret or wasn't angry at her ensuring a mistake could have happened. He had seen the start of the disruption and was already starting to compensate. By the time he managed to, however, Ami had aborted. He wasn't given a chance. He grated his teeth together as his jaw clenched, but he relaxed a moment later.

"Thank you, Lieutenant," he said as he finalized the shutdown of the transporter. "We did indeed avoid a catastrophic situation. Thank you."

"Sorry to have jumped in, Chief, I may be a bit jumpy right now... I've got to head to the bridge." Ami started for the door.

Max nodded, then resumed his work quietly as events dwindled and calmed. After a moment he had an Operations Officer take over and he returned to the bridge.

Ruby meanwhile headed out for her quarters. She needed a few moments to process what had happened.


"That's it?!" Commander Anzai demanded angrily. "Those maggots have our Chief of Security- our personal responsibility as the Commanding Officers of this vessel- and all you can think do is write her off as M.I.A.?!"

"Commander, must I remind you that the Captain of this vessel is also down there, and we cannot, under any circumstances, jeopardize her mission!" Keisuke responded. "If we were to do something foolish now, it could place not only her, but her unborn child in danger!"

“Plus any other Starfleet personnel which may be down there,” Jane remarked from the helm station. “And countless members of visible minority groups that might be threatened by Starfleet overreach, real or perceived.”

Commander Anzai was practically trembling with anger. No doubt, she was deeply upset to be seeing her people- and especially her crewmates- treated in such a despicable manner; but as much as she was wanting to do something about it, she had to concede that Keisuke was still her superior in this situation; what he said went, no excuses. So, before she committed what would otherwise be an act of career suicide, she stepped back, closed her eyes, and took a deep breath.

"Yes, Captain," she exhaled, though she made clear through her inflections that she was not at all happy about this.

Keisuke looked as if he were about to respond, but before he had the chance to do, the main Ops console sounded off.

"Incoming hail from the Akagi, Commander," Hanamaru reported. "Priority one, Zura."

"Put it through, Crewman." Keisuke ordered.

The image of a Lieutenant in red appeared, "Good day, Commander. I'm Lieutenant Harmon, the OOD on Akagi right now and I do apologize for interrupting your day so far, but we got a comm a few hours ago from someone on the ground. They claimed to be a Lieutenant Donahue from the Valiant, but we checked with them and their Lieutenant is still there. We finally got our Intelligence section involved and we discovered that someone on the ground is using Lieutenant Donahue's identity as a cover ID. I believe you may know her." He paused a moment as if for dramatic value, "Lieutenant Alisha Reno is her name and she has been taken into custody by Governor Hartley and his security forces."

Jane's eyes went wide in horror and she turned back to face Keisuke and Chiyomi. To her credit, she didn't say a word. But her concern, mixed with unbridled rage (approaching or even surpassing that shown by their Third Officer), was all across her face.

Max arrived back onto the bridge via turbolift and dismissed the Officer at his station. He sat down and checked everything. He kept quiet, feeling somewhat like a failure.

To be continued...


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