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Double Trouble! (Part 2)

Posted on Tue Apr 16th, 2024 @ 5:33am by Captain Maho Takahashi & Commander Keisuke Takahashi 'K.T.' & Lieutenant Commander Tristana & Commander Ichika Misono & Lieutenant Ami Rori & Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair & Lieutenant JG Max Gill & Commander Chiyomi Anzai & Ensign Ruby Kurosawa
Edited on on Tue Apr 16th, 2024 @ 5:34am

1,429 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Junichi Koyama
Location: USS Myogi
Timeline: After 'Double Trouble! (Part 1)'

Previously, on Star Trek: Myogi:

"Incoming hail from the Akagi, Commander," Hanamaru reported. "Priority one, Zura."

"Put it through, Crewman." Keisuke ordered.

The image of a Lieutenant in red appeared, "Good day, Commander. I'm Lieutenant Harmon, the OOD on Akagi right now and I do apologize for interrupting your day so far, but we got a comm a few hours ago from someone on the ground. They claimed to be a Lieutenant Donahue from the Valiant, but we checked with them and their Lieutenant is still there. We finally got our Intelligence section involved and we discovered that someone on the ground is using Lieutenant Donahue's identity as a cover ID. I believe you may know her." He paused a moment as if for dramatic value, "Lieutenant Alisha Reno is her name and she has been taken into custody by Governor Hartley and his security forces."

Jane's eyes went wide in horror and she turned back to face Keisuke and Chiyomi. To her credit, she didn't say a word. But her concern, mixed with unbridled rage (approaching or even surpassing that shown by their Third Officer), was all across her face.

Max arrived back onto the bridge via turbolift and dismissed the Officer at his station. He sat down and checked everything. He kept quiet, feeling somewhat like a failure.

And now, the continuation:

Keisuke's hand slowly went to his face. This was not what he needed to hear right now: The bastards now had two of their crew!

"Lieutenant; have you briefed Commander Barkhorn on this development?" He asked.

"He did."

Commander Barkhorn suddenly appeared behind the Lieutenant.

"And I ordered him to contact you to relay this information." Gertrud added.

""It seems our captains are going to be in for quite the headache when they get back." Keisuke muttered. "Commander, you'll want to inform Captain Hartmann that in addition to Lieutenant Reno, Commander Ebisuzawa has also been captured."

There was a pause as Barkhorn took in the information.

"Understood. Akagi out." She said.

The communication then cut off, and the view was replaced with that of the orbiting Akagi and the planet below. A fairly large storm system could be seen amongst the planet's clouds, as if to convey that the once welcoming-looking planet was now quickly becoming hostile.

"God Damnit!"

The long silence was abruptly punctuated by a sharp bang as Commander angrily Chiyomi slammed her fist against a nearby bulkhead, evidently torn between adhering to protocol and blowing said protocol out the airlock. It was clear to anyone present that she was not in the slightest bit happy that two of her charges were now in Governor Hartley's custody and could be used as leverage to get whatever he desired. But at the same time, she also felt a sense of obligation to honor the Captain's mission, as beaming down there right now would make this situation ten- no, a hundred times worse. But if they waited, who was to say that Kurumi and Alisha wouldn't be tortured into disclosing confidential information? She had no doubt that they were strong individuals, but how long was too long to wait?

Not knowing what to do was the worst.

It was never easy when the Captain and first officer went down into a potentially hostile situation; and especially not when the Captain was Keisuke's wife, but as the officer left in charge, Keisuke's duty was first and foremost to the safety of the Myogi. That was why it was paramount to not let his personal feelings jeopardize the mission. As such, while, behind his eyes, he may have been concerned for the crewmembers now confirmed as captured, in the moment, Keisuke remained calm and composed, even when others around him were flipping out. It was something he had learned from both his wife and his brother.

Keisuke was just about to reaffirm his standing orders when an alert went off on the Ops console:

"What the hell?" Max mumbled, then turned around. "Commander, I'm receiving a request to beam up from the surface. It's from the Captain! This could be a trick, but there's the possibility it could be legitimate. What are your orders?"

"There were three that beamed down originally:" Keisuke responded. "How many are requesting to beam back up?"

"Three, Ma'am," Max reported, facing his console again as he went to work capturing the signals from his station."

"Beam them up." Keisuke ordered.

"Aye, Ma'am," Max replied, then quickly complied. He had already signaled for Security to the transporter room, just in case. "Beaming up now."

Keisuke silently nodded, approving Max's decision to fill an oversight of his orders:

[Transporter room]

Maho, Ichika, and Victor all rematerialized on the Myogi's transporter pad. Maho seemed visibily grateful for her lungs to be taking in the Myogi's recycled air once again.

"I'll say things could have gone a lot better..." Maho muttered before she realized Tristana and several security officers were pointing phasers at her.

"Tristana to puente: (bridge:)" She said once the three successfully rematerialized. "Capitan (Captain) Takahashi and Commandantes (Commanders) Misono and Delling are on board."

"What the hell's the meaning of all this?" Maho demanded.

"For that, I would suggest you get to the bridge." Tristana responded.

"Just what I need..." Maho sighed before turning to Commander Misono: "Commander Misono; you're with me."

"Aye, Captain," Ichika nodded.


A few minutes later, Maho and Ichika arrived back on the Myogi's bridge.

"Captain on the bridge!" Keisuke called out as he vacated Maho's chair.

"Alright; someone tell me what the hell is going on here!" Maho demanded as she made her way down the ramp to the command pit.

Ami hadn't changed into uniform yet, still in the blue dress that she'd gone down to the surface in. She stepped forward, but was unable to meet Maho's eyes as she detached herself from the back wall where she'd been watching, "Captain, Commander Ebisuzawa, Ensign Kurosawa and myself were on the ground trying to get a feel for the public's opinion on things... We did, but the Commander was taken into custody as she bought time for myself and the Ensign to escape and return to the ship." Ami spoke clearly as she made this report now to the Captain, not just the Exec.

"She what?!" Ichika exclaimed.

"She allowed herself to be taken by the planetary security forces to give us time to escape, ma'am." Ami repeated, "I didn't want to, but she gave us direct orders. We had no option but to follow them, ma'am."

Maho's hand slowly made its way to the bridge of her nose as she pinched it with her thumb and index finger:

"And Captain Hartmann literally just told me to tell my crew not to cause trouble..." She sighed.

"There's more:" Keisuke said. "Shortly before you beamed back up, the Akagi contacted us: They had recently received a transmission from the ground, and have reason to believe that Lieutenant Reno is also in custody."

"Lieutenant Re-!" Maho began. "What the fuck was she even doing here to begin with?"

"Your guess is as good as ours." Keisuke responded. "But the fact of the matter is; they have two of our crew:"

"This day just keeps getting better and better..." Maho grumbled as she made her way to her chair. "Alright: Starting right now, I want our short, medium, and long range sensors trained on the planet's surface to scan for both Commander Ebisuzawa and Lieutenant Reno's life signs. If they're down there, we'll find them."

Maho then turned to Tristana:

"Commander; I want you to have teams on standby." She ordered. "If diplomacy breaks down, I want to be prepared to extract our people once we find where they are."

"Si, Capitan. (Yes, Captain)" Tristana nodded.

"Well, then:" Maho said, taking a seat in her chair. "You all have your orders: Let's get started."

Posting by

Captain Maho Takahashi
Commanding Officer
USS Myogi

Commander Ichika Misono
Executive Officer
USS Myogi

Commander Keisuke Takahashi
Second Officer
USS Myogi

Commander Chiyomi Anzai
Third Officer
USS Myogi

Lieutenant Commander Tristana
Assistant Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Myogi

Lieutenant Ami Rori
Chief Engineer
USS Myogi

Lieutenant JG Max Gill
Chief Operations Officer
USS Myogi

Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Myogi

Ensign Ruby Kurosawa
Assistant Chief Operations Officer
USS Myogi


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