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A Baby Shower for Baby Takahashi (Part 4)

Posted on Fri Oct 11th, 2024 @ 11:12pm by Captain Maho Takahashi & Commander Elisabeth Churchill & Commander Ichika Misono & Lieutenant Commander Kurumi Ebisuzawa & Lieutenant Commander Brennyn Scott M.D. & Lieutenant Ami Rori & Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair & Lieutenant Vivienne Erebos & Lieutenant Karen Kujo 'Union Jane' & Lieutenant Alisha Reno & Yaeka Sakuragi
Edited on on Fri Oct 11th, 2024 @ 11:13pm

1,268 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Captains and Contraband
Location: Five Forward
Timeline: After 'A Baby Shower for Baby Takahashi (Part 3)'

Previously, on Star Trek: Myogi:

Maho rubbed the ointment in the indicated area on the mannequin.

"Then, you'll want to take your fresh diaper from the stack, and carefully raise the legs and lower body by the ankles until you can slide the fresh diaper underneath." Maho explained as she demonstrated the process. "Then, once you make sure the diaper is in the correct orientation, you'll want to pull it up between the legs and place the front on the belly. Next, you'll want to fasten it down: You'll want to take each of the wings and attach the adhesive on each wing to the front. Now, make sure it's not too tight or too loose- rule of thumb is two fingers should be able to slot between the diaper and the baby's stomach. If you can't do that, it's too tight, if you can fit more than two fingers, it's too loose. Last step is just to unfold the leg cuffs like so. Once that's finished, we're going to relocate the child to a safe area, like their crib, and clean up the changing area."

Maho then moved the mannequin to another table, simulating the "crib," before wiping down the table where she had just made the demonstration.

"Any questions?"

And now, the continuation:

Jane raised her hand. “Are we each being timed, and we’re competing for who does fastest? I assume with penalties for mistakes?” Ever the racer, knowing the actual race parameters was key.

"You will be:" Maho smirked. "But, in the interest of fairness to give everyone an idea of how changing actually works, the first round will be done without blindfolds."

Maho then grabbed a stack of blindfolds, setting them aside.

"But, once everyone has the idea down, to add to the realism of an early morning diaper change, everyone will be blindfolded for subsequent rounds:" She explained. "The first person to match or exceed their non-blindfolded control time will win a voucher for luxury replicator rations, good for five uses. Does that answer your question, Lieutenant?"

“Yes, ma’am!” Jane said enthusiastically. It was competition time. She dropped the ball on the ice challenge but she was ready for blindfolded baby changing.

"Well, then; shall we begin?" Maho proposed. "Who wants to go first?"

Maho turned to Jane.

"Lieutenant, you seemed eager to go first:" She commented. "Would you like the honors?"

“Absolutely,” Jane said. She handed her drink to Alisha and moved to stand at the changing station. She held her hands at the ready.

"And... Go!" Maho said, clicking a button which started a timer standing near the table.

Having been given the cue to start, she got to work. Diaper off. Wipe off poop for a clean baby. Wipe and soiled diaper wrapped together and sealed with the tape. Into the basket for a two-pointer.

“Ah! The next diaper!” She hadn’t gotten it ready. That’ll cost her time. She got it unwrapped and angled right and got it on the baby. Taped in place. Done. Hands up and clear, waiting to be scored and for the next to take over. “Not my best pit stop, but not bad I’m sure.”

The change took just under four and a half minutes.

"Not bad, Lieutenant." Maho commented. Obviously, real diaper changes would never be that fast, but it was nice to see her crew getting into the spirit of competition. "Commander, if you'd add that time to the control time board, who would like to go next?"

"Ooh! Pick me! Pick me!" Karen exclaimed, her hand shooting up.

"Think you can do it better, Kujo?" Maho asked, gesturing for Karen to step up to the table.

"Aye, It's just like chuckin' on a fresh pair o' strides, hinny, a'nt it?" Karen grinned as she reached forward and cracked her knuckles. "Time to speedrun this bitch!"

"Why do I suddenly have a bad feeling about this?" Ichika sighed.

"You want to go next, Commander?" Maho asked. "I didn't think the Inuto put their young in diapers..."

Ichika raised a brow. "They don't," she replied. "The time when an Inuto starts wearing pants usually depends on the tribe, but for us Kaniches, we usually don't start wearing them until we're at least 3 and a half."

"Well, there's your random Inuto fact for the day." Maho chuckled nervously, turning to Karen. "Lieutenant; when you're ready:"

"Gimme your best shot, man!" Karen proclaimed.

"Alright... Go!" Maho started the timer.

As was to be expected, Karen immediately bungled her attempt by picking up the baby and ripping off its diaper as if it were a doll and not an actual living being. Ichika, who had carefully been studying up for this, had to fight down her instinct not to burst out laughing at Karen's ineptitude.

And then, as if that weren't somehow bad enough, she then proceeded to turn the doll upside down and hold it with the still-upside-down doll wedged between her chest and her arm as she wiped the behind a little more roughly than she should've.

Maho looked over at the timer, just starting to crest one minute and thirty seconds. A smug grin formed on the captain's face. Though the Lieutenant was providing a vast amount of comedy for the ladies present, she was also providing a strong case for why some people just didn't deserve kids.

At last realizing that she only had so many hands, Karen set the doll down on the table and began to apply the new diaper- though she did so with the grace of a nine-year-old throwing together a LEGO set. When she thought she was done, she held up the doll with a proud "Ta-da!"...

...only for the diaper to pop right off and fall limply at her feet.


Maho turned to the time. She had managed to do it in just over 3 minutes, but since the diaper had popped off, she turned towards Ichika and shrugged, wondering if they should let the time stand.

Ichika pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed. "Can we please just disqualify her? I don't think I could stand to see her try this blindfolded..."

"Well, the diaper did fall off..." Maho noted.

"Enough of this nonsense:" Elisabeth stepped forward. "Step aside, dear; and I'll show you how it's done."

Karen gave her a confused look, but nonetheless abided by her girlfriend's request and stepped out of the way.

"Alright, but for fairness, let's go ahead and put one on." Maho said, stepping forward and attaching a new diaper. "Alright, table is reset... Go!"

Immediately, Elisabeth got to work undoing the diaper. Neatly, yet briskly folding it into a ball. Grabbing a wipe, Elisabeth proceeded to wipe down the mannequin's behind while keeping it on its back. Then, Elisabeth dispensed some of the diaper rash cream (no doubt if this were a real infant, they'd need it after such mishandling by Karen) and rubbed it on before fetching a new diaper, fastening it down and checking to ensure it was the right fit.

"And... Time." Elisabeth said. "Now, that is how you change a diaper."

Elisabeth had changed the diaper in five minutes flat. So far, the slowest time of the night, but at least she had done it properly.

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll be needing another drink after that." Elisabeth commented, walking off to make good on her word.

To be continued...


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