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Duel of the Execs (Part 2)

Posted on Wed Sep 20th, 2023 @ 4:58am by Commodore Tohru Honda & Captain Maho Takahashi & Captain Shimakaze Zh'gero & Commander Minna-Dietlinde Wilcke & Commander Elisabeth Churchill & Lieutenant Commander Ryosuke Takahashi 'Ry' & Takeshi Nakazato 'Zack' & Commander Ichika Misono & Commander Rize Tedeza & Lieutenant Karen Kujo 'Union Jane'
Edited on on Wed Sep 20th, 2023 @ 4:59am

1,220 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: The Fast & The Fleet
Timeline: After 'Duel of the Execs (Part 1)'

Previously, on Star Trek: Myogi:

As they approached the next turn, Ichika deliberately went wide, forcing Amatsukaze to slow down to a crawl.

Damnit, this girl's really starting to piss me off... Amatsukaze thought.

As Amatsukaze was kept at a crawl, finding and exploiting ichika's weakness was becoming less and less of a concern to the increasingly-impatient Andorian.

That does it! Amatsukaze declared mentally. Screw Simulation 2; I'm going to race and win this my way!

Amatsukaze analyzed her mental course map, and knew that there was a hairpin coming up that was long and wide enough to conduct a counterattack.

There's a hairpin turn coming up that should be too wide for her to block. Amatsukaze thought. That'll be when I'll make my move; and you'll be completely defenseless against my counterattack!

And now, the continuation:

The 16th corner was the hairpin turn in question. It was a two lane hairpin, and was too wide to block from both the inside and the outside.

"This is the 16th corner! I can hear them coming!" The Lookout radioed in.

No sooner had the words left the lookout's mouth than the headlights of the two cars appeared.

"Here they come! The FD is still out in front!"

It doesn't have to be clean, I just need you to drop your guard and block the wrong way...

As the two cars entered the corner, the Evo began to move for a pass on the outside.

Her gamble paid off; Ichika went wide, leaving Amtsukaze with the perfect opening to pass on the inside.

"SCREW YOU, MYOGI PIG!" Amatsukaze yelled as she slammed her EVO into fourth gear, launching the vehicle into a full throttle four wheel drift.

"The EVO IV has made the pass!" The lookout radioed back to the top.

Shimakaze seemed visibly irritated by this development. She proceeded to kick the guardrail.

"Damnit!" She cursed.

Amatsukaze, you idiot! Shimakaze thought. I gave you a direct order and you disobeyed it!

"Is something wrong, Captain?" Maho asked. "You seem upset that your girl is now in the lead."

"Shut up, Takahashi!" Shimakaze responded.

"Damnit," Ichika hissed. "Looks like it's time for Plan B..."

Now that Amatsukaze had passed Ichika, the Haruna's first officer was now confident that she had the race in the bag.

Now, this is more like it. Amatsukaze thought. Nothing beats the thrill of a full throttle four wheel drift! The sound of the EVO IV's 4G63T engine revving up to the redline is heaven! The only thing more satisfying is Shimakaze licking my lady parts...

Amatsukaze looked in her rear view mirror.

I wonder where that FD is? She thought. I'm willing to bet she's falling far behind me now...

To Amatsukaze's confusion, however, the FD was still behind her...

...And it was gaining!

"What the hell??" Amatsukaze shouted.

But... That's not possible! She thought. I know for a fact this is a way faster pace than before! So, how is she keeping up??

The next corner brought answers, for as Shimakaze four wheel drifted, Ichika got as close as a few inches off of her driver's door.

Damnit, I think I might have a clue... Amatsukaze thought. I hate to admit it... But I'm just not as fast in the corners as she is!

Ichika was practically riding on her rear bumper coming out of the turn; Amatsukaze was in a bind now, because if she slowed up for whatever reason, it was going to be over for both of them.

I've got to admit, it's a lot harder to try and figure out what your opponent is doing in the rear view mirror. Amatsukaze thought.

"But it's not over yet!" Amatsukaze said, shifting into a higher gear.

The racers were reaching the corner where the white FC was parked.

"Here they come..." Ryosuke noted.

Amatsukaze hit the brakes to grip around the corner, as there were spectators on the outside of the turn. Amatsukaze helplessly watched as the FD appeared to take advantage of her slowing down.

"She's out of her fucking mind!" Amatsukaze screamed. "Are her brakes shot??"

"SHIT, LOOK OUT!" Rize shouted, yanking Ryosuke aside right as Ichika's FD barrelled past.

"The FD just made a crazy slingshot move and regained the lead! The startled lookout radioed back as he got back to his feet. "Commander Misono has no fear!"

"Well, if this hasn't been a night of close calls," Rize lamented once the two of them were done choking on Ichika's dust. "First my Cousin wrecks out, then my CMO nearly gets run over? It's like the wild fuckin' west out here!"

"The danger of something happening to spectators is an understood and accepted risk when one comes out to view these sorts of races." Ryosuke explained. "Fortunately, I happened to notice when we came in here that the holosuite's safety protocols were engaged, so I wouldn't have been seriously injured or killed."

Her technique is good, but she definitely needs improvement. Ryosuke thought. Victory should not come at the endangerment of spectators: Such a reckless move would have gotten Misono thrown off the Red Suns.

Shimakaze seemed rather surprised.

"An overtake on that point in the course?" She muttered. "The Inuto must be mad!"

Even seasoned veterans know that point is a dangerous passing point, due to how many spectators gather on that turn... She added mentally.

"Funny thing about Inuto;" Maho said. "When they're backed into a corner, they tend to become more aggressive..."

Okay, so she really does want to play? Amatsukaze thought.

"Then BRING IT ON!" She declared, shifting into a higher gear. "Let's see what Inuto are made of!"

Just down the road from where Ichika had passed Amatsukaze was the corner where Minna and the Akina crew were situated. The lookout stationed on the corner radioed in as the cars approached:

"This is the 22nd corner; I can hear them coming!"

As the two cars appeared around the previous corner, the FD initiated a drift with which the EVO followed with a drift of its own, the sedan getting within centimeters of the FD's door.

"Holy crap, I don't believe what I'm seeing! They're drifting door to door! The EVO is challenging hard for the lead, but the FD isn't giving any ground!"

As the two cars passed by, Mio stood in awe as she could feel the auras of the two drivers. Clearly, these two had a score to settle. Even as they disappeared from sight, Commander Sakamoto seemed strapped for words.

"You okay, Commander?" Minna asked. "You seem in shock."

"I know a grudge match when I see one, Commander." Mio responded. "Whatever happened between those two, they'll be settling a score tonight."

To be continued...


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