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Duel of the Execs (Part 3)

Posted on Wed Sep 20th, 2023 @ 4:59am by Commodore Tohru Honda & Captain Maho Takahashi & Captain Shimakaze Zh'gero & Commander Minna-Dietlinde Wilcke & Commander Elisabeth Churchill & Lieutenant Commander Ryosuke Takahashi 'Ry' & Takeshi Nakazato 'Zack' & Commander Ichika Misono & Commander Rize Tedeza & Lieutenant Karen Kujo 'Union Jane'

1,160 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: The Fast & The Fleet
Timeline: After 'Duel of the Execs (Part 2)

Previously, on Star Trek: Myogi:

As the two cars passed by, Mio stood in awe as she could feel the auras of the two drivers. Clearly, these two had a score to settle. Even as they disappeared from sight, Commander Sakamoto seemed strapped for words.

"You okay, Commander?" Minna asked. "You seem in shock."

"I know a grudge match when I see one, Commander." Mio responded. "Whatever happened between those two, they'll be settling a score tonight."

And now, the continuation:

Despite letting her EVO sing at full power, Amatsukaze still couldn't seem to get around Commander Misono.

The goal is coming up soon. Amatsukaze thought. If I don't pass Commander Misono soon, I won't be able to justify my deviation from Captain Zh'gero's plan, and she's going to be pissed!

As the two of them barreled around the final corner, the finish line looming in the distance, Amatsukaze decided it was now or never and made her move. going wide into the turn, she grazed the RX-7's fender, hoping the nudge would be enough to send Ichika into a spin. The Inuto was going too fast to recover, but much to Amatsukaze's horror, the maneuver didn't go as anticipated, instead causing the RX-7 to swing over the hood of the EVO, bounce off the guardrail, and spin back over the line- inching out the EVO's front bumper by a few inches.

As the crowd cheered, the lookout at the finish line called in the result:

"This is the finish line, not sure what just happened, but I believe the FD made it across the finish line ahead of the EVO!"

At the top, Tohru acknowledged the result.

"Winner; Ichika Misono!" She called out. "Score: NightKids - 7, SpeedStars - 4!

Shimakaze's fist clenched before she kicked the guardrail in frustration.

Damnit, Amatsukaze! She thought. If you hadn't gotten impatient, we might have found her weakness!

Instead of making any comment towards Shimakaze's behavior, Maho merely turned towards Takeshi's R32. All the other battles had been run, and soon, it would be time for the last one.

Takeshi approached and placed a hand on Maho's shoulder. No words were exchanged, but the small nod of encouragement Takeshi gave was a way of saying to her 'you've got this.'

Amatsukaze's maneuver late in the race had caused her to lose control of the EVO and go off the road, coming to a stop in the ditch. Unable to open the driver's door due to the angle, Amatsukaze wriggled out of the window and made her way over to the FD in a huff, her temper finally boiling over.

"YOU!" She called to Ichika. "Pop the hood; I want to see the black magic you used to beat me! Under no circumstances should a stock FD have been able to dethrone the mountain pass king!"

Ichika glared at Amatsukaze, but nonetheless obliged in her demands and opened the hood for Amatsukaze to take a closer look.

"If she's so concerned about us using mods, she should've bothered to mention it when they issued us this challenge in the first place," Karen whispered to Elisabeth.

"Not like it was her that issued the challenge to begin with, though;" Elisabeth reminded Karen. "It was that big racist in the Haruna's center chair that issued it."

"Nah, her pet ain't that much better," Karen remarked.

Amatsukaze performed a thorough inspection of the FD's engine bay. No aftermarket turbo or supercharger; just a bone stock RX-7 engine bay.

That can't be possible! She thought.

"Computer, scan Commander Misono's car and tell me what mods she's running:" She called.

The computer beeped in acknowledgement.

"No mods found on Commander Misono's Mazda RX-7."

"Grrrr...." Amatsukaze growled. "What kind of fast one are you trying to pull on me, Inuto! With this kind of setup, you should have lost hands down to me!"

"Listen here, you little bitch!"

Before anyone had a chance to stop her, Ichika had grabbed Amatsukaze by the collar and pinned her up against the fended of her RX-7. The Andorian struggled to free herself, but the Inuto's strength far exceeded her own.

"I've done my part to ensure that I play your game by your rules," Ichika stated in a tone unbecoming of her usually calm, collected disposition. "I studied your course; I selected a vehicle that was well within the regulations your crew set; I even spent upwards of 24 hours in the holodeck honing in my skills so as to improve my chances of victory. Furthermore, I don't think you're in the position to call me a cheating lowlife when you've done nothing- absolutely nothing- to deserve your position. I've fended off a So'Na raiding party; I've helped to reclaim a freighter from Klingon terrorists; I've stopped Seiji Iwaki from inciting a pointless conflict between the Federation and the Klingon Empire; I've fought insurrectionists in the council chambers of Starfleet Headquarters; name one goddamn thing you've done for this Federation that Shimakaze Zh'Gero didn't gift your sorry ass on a silver platter!"

Tohru had pulled up a live feed from the finish line and had seen the fight break out, and as race marshal, it was her responsibility to break it up. Luckily, this was the holodeck, and she was capable of transporting herself to the scene of the fight instantly.

"Alright, break it up, you two!" She demanded. "Commander Misono, you might have won, but I won't hesitate to nullify your win on the grounds of bad sportsmanship, and that won't mean you'll win by default, Commander Sh'gero; it will mean that this battle won't count towards the overall score."

Ichika obliged by Tohru's demands, but gave Amatsukaze one final shove before storming off.

At the top, Maho and Shimakaze stared each other down.

"Well, Takahashi; it looks like everyone else has gone." Shimakaze said. "The only ones left to go are us. So, shall we get started?"

"I appreciate a woman who is eager to lose." Maho responded. "Let's get lined up so when our race marshal returns, we can get underway."

Maho Takahashi vs. Shimakaze Zh'gero
To be continued!

Posting by

Commodore Tohru Honda
Task Force Jomo Commanding Officer

Captain Maho Takahashi
Commanding Officer
USS Myogi

Captain Shimakaze Zh'gero
Commanding Officer
USS Haruna

Commander Minna-Dietlinde Wilcke
Commanding Officer
USS Akina

Commander Rize Tedeza
Commanding Officer
USS Europa

Commander Ichika Misono
Executive Officer
USS Myogi

Commander Amatsukaze Sh'gero
Executive Officer
USS Haruna

Commander Elisabeth Churchill
Assistant Chief Diplomatic Officer
USS Myogi

Lieutenant Commander Ryosuke Takahashi
Chief Medical Officer
USS Europa

Lieutenant Karen Kujo
Squadron Leader
USS Myogi

Takeshi Nakazato
Disgraced Starfleet Officer


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