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Rage Your Dream (Part 2)

Posted on Mon Oct 16th, 2023 @ 3:34am by Commodore Tohru Honda & Captain Maho Takahashi & Captain Shimakaze Zh'gero & Commander Keisuke Takahashi 'K.T.' & Commander Elisabeth Churchill & Lieutenant Commander Tristana & Lieutenant JG Takumi Fujiwara 'Tak' & Takeshi Nakazato 'Zack' & Commander Ichika Misono & Commander Victor Delling MD & Lieutenant Commander Brennyn Scott M.D. & Lieutenant Alisha Reno & Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair & Lieutenant Wyndon Rapisarta
Edited on on Mon Oct 16th, 2023 @ 3:35am

1,625 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: The Fast & The Fleet
Location: Earth Spacedock, Club 47
Timeline: After 'Rage Your Dream (Part 1)

Previously, on Star Trek: Myogi:

Tohru proceeded to grab Maho's hand and raise it high into the air.

"Winner: Maho Takahashi!" Tohru declared. "Final score: NightKids - 8, SpeedStars - 4! The overall winners are the USS Myogi NightKids!"

Alisha had sneaked up next to Jane in the excitement and grabbed her hand to give it a squeeze. The two of them winning had helped make it happen, but it truly was a team effort with the entire crew kicking ass the whole day.

Jane grinned when she felt Alisha’s familiar hand squeeze hers. She leaned back to give her girlfriend a kiss on the cheek, then looked back across to the Andorians. “I should’ve made a better effort to get some holocams in here,” she said, quiet enough to make it seem like a private comment but loud enough that others would indeed hear. “It’s like we guessed. She wouldn’t be a gracious loser.”

With a theatrical shrug, Alisha sighed with the same level of 'privacy', glancing over in the same direction as Jane had, nuzzling her neck for a moment, "It's a pity that some people are far too predictable for their own good, along with the rest of their crew."

The Andorian crewmembers of the USS Haruna taking part in the post-race reveling didn't seem to notice the snide comments directed at them, for at the moment they were being said, the noise of the cheering amplified following Tohru's declaration of Maho and, by extension, the NightKids as a whole, the winner, and shortly after the winner was declared, the crowd lifted Maho up onto their shoulders, Maho's pleas to put her down and that she was pregnant were lost in the cheering crowd of Starfleet officers

And now, the continuation:

[Club 47]

Following the official conclusion of race day festivities, an after party was held at Club 47, open to both Myogi and Haruna crewmembers. Naturally, Amatsukaze, Hatsuzuki, and Teruzuki, being the sore losers they were, had opted not to attend, but the rest of the competitors from the Haruna SpeedStars did in a show of good sportsmanship, dropping their competitiveness for the sake of celebrating the Myogi's hard-earned win.

Of course, for those already there at the club, the sudden joint arrival of Myogi and Haruna crew was something of a nuisance, for sure.

As the two crews imbibed themselves on their first round of drinks, Maho noticed Commander Misono, off at a table by herself eating Maki rolls.

"Commander Misono;" Maho called out as she approached the table. "That was one hell of a race; we really showed those Andorians what for!"

Ichika, however, did not appear to share the same enthusiasm as her Commanding Officer; if anything, the look on her face was one of apathy- though, it could also be interpreted as pennance, or even regret, if Maho was reading the mood correctly.

"Why the long face, Commander?" Maho asked. "We won!"

"I screwed up," Ichika sighed as she leaned back in her chair. "I know I screwed up..."

"Commander, these guys have been driving antique ground cars for years!" Maho reminded her exec. "The fact that you managed to beat them with less than two weeks of practice is evidence to the contrary!'

"No, that wasn't it," Ichika explained. "I understood this contest meant a lot to you, and I did my part to research it, ensure we had the best possible chance of victory. And in spite of that- all the research, all the practice, all the effort I put into playing by the rules, I just..."

She shook her head. "...Well, I guess it's a little difficult for me to explain, but after having to put up with Zh'Gero's ridicule for so long, something within me just... snapped. I lashed out, said some words I'd been holding back for the better part of a decade, made myself off to be a bad sport in front of everyone, made a terrible example of myself as an Executive Officer... And now, even if Captain Zh'Gero ultimately concedes to the win, I doubt the fact that I roughed up her XO and literal bond mate is going to be forgotten anytime soon..."

"Commander, it's no secret that Shimakaze has a Napoleon complex." Maho explained. "She loves to step on others to justify her own sad existence. Is she going to remember you lashing out at her bond mate? You can bet your fuzzy behind she will. But, at the end of the day, if you can't look at yourself in the mirror and say I'm alright with pissing Shimakaze off, then Shimakaze has truly won."

"But it goes a bit deeper than just pissing off Shimakaze," Ichika pointed out. "As Commanding Officers, we have hundreds of people who rely on us to lead by example; what example does it set for them when they see our solution to a conflict of interests is physical assault?"

"Commander, one does not achieve a command level position if one frequently resorts to physical assault." Maho explained. "Even Shimakaze, for all her faults, knows this. If Starfleet trusts you with a Captain or First Officer position, they know that you are capable of doing more good things for the fleet than you are bad things. And if they were wrong in their judgement... Well, that's why we have ships like the Myogi."

Having said all she could, Maho made her way over to a table where Tristana was sitting.

"Commander;" Maho said. "I believe I owe you an apology."

Maho stuck out her hand for Tristana to shake. Though her acting Ops chief seemed to hesitate for a moment, Tristana accepted the gesture.

"Lo lamento. (I'm sorry.)" Maho said in Tristana's native Spanish.

"Disculpa aceptada. (Apology accepted.)" Tristana responded in Spanish.

"Perhaps, if you have some time, maybe you can teach me how to trap an opponent to the inside like that." Maho suggested.

"Sure!" Tristana smiled.

After Maho left the table, Tristana leaned over and whispered to her table mate:

"I learned that move watching El cometa blanco: (The White Comet:) It was a hell of move to pull off on the fly..."

Wyndon stood at the bar, watching everyone celebrate and quietly nursed a drink. His adrenalin was still raging having watched that fool stunt that somehow had managed to be perfectly done.

As Maho stood at the bar for the next round of drinks, Shimakaze drew up right next to her.

"You know, the only reason you are celebrating is because you won by accident." She said. "Commodore Honda favors you much like her predecessor used to, and will bend the rules for you to win."

"You know, I think the only accident that happened is that we allowed you to accrue four wins." Maho countered.

"If my bondmates and I had been at our best, you would have nothing to celebrate right now." Shimakaze said.

"If that was your off day, I'd hate to see how much you suck at your best." Takeshi jeered.

"This is a typical kneejerk Human reaction to beating mathematically insurmountable odds." Shimakaze muttered.

"I'm sorry, was that irritation I just heard?" Maho asked louder than usual.

"You most certainly did not." Shimakaze snapped back.

"That sure sounded defensive to me." Takeshi responded.

"Spoken like a sore loser." Keisuke added.

"Who's perhaps just a bit jealous that we have what you never will?" Elisabeth compounded.

"Are you always this bitter?" Tristana asked.

"I am merely pointing out the fact that if things had gone differently, you Humans wouldn't have half the enthusiasm to belittle and mock me."

"Human? Did Commander Misono forget her tail?" Elisabeth asked.

"For all her claims of being superior to Humans, she doesn't have the slightest idea of what one actually looks like." Tristana replied.

Everyone then started laughing. Even the Haruna crew. Shimakaze looked as if she were going to memorize who among her crew was ripe for reassignment as she stormed out of the club, nearly bowling over an entering Takumi on the way out.

"Hey, watch it!" Takumi grumbled before making his way over to Captain Takahashi. "Sorry, I'm late, Captain; it took a while for everyone to sign this:"

Takumi then presented to Maho with a license plate: A license plate from Kumamoto (Maho's home prefecture), with the numbers on the plate reading: 32-239, meant to be a word play that translated to "Thank you, (R)32." And the plate was signed by the members of the NightKids.

Maho choked up when she saw the plate, and everyone's signatures on it.

"Why, this will be perfect for my ready room." She said. "Thank you... Thank you all... So much..."

Maho set the plate down on the bar as she finally lost it, dissolving into tears.


Even today, young drivers keep on racing, struggling to realize their dream.

Posting by

Commodore Tohru Honda
Task Force Jomo Commanding Officer

Captain Maho Takahashi
Commanding Officer
USS Myogi

Captain Shimakaze Zh'gero
Commanding Officer
USS Haruna

Commander Ichika Misono
Executive Officer
USS Myogi

Commander Keisuke Takahashi
Second Officer
USS Myogi

Commander Elisabeth Churchill
Acting Chief Diplomatic Officer
USS Myogi

Commander Victor Delling
Chief Medical Officer
USS Myogi

Lieutenant Commander Tristana
Acting Chief Operations Officer
USS Myogi

Lieutenant Commander Brennyn Scott
Chief Counselor
USS Myogi

Lieutenant Alisha Reno
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Myogi

Lieutenant Wyndon Rapisarta
Medical Officer
USS Myogi

Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Myogi

Lieutenant JG Takumi Fujiwara
Assistant Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Myogi

Takeshi Nakazato
Disgraced Starfleet Officer


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