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You've Got the Power (Part 1)

Posted on Mon Nov 6th, 2023 @ 6:44am by Captain Maho Takahashi & Captain Shimakaze Zh'gero & Commander Keisuke Takahashi 'K.T.' & Commander Minna-Dietlinde Wilcke & Commander Elisabeth Churchill & Commander Ichika Misono & Commander Victor Delling MD & Lieutenant Commander Kurumi Ebisuzawa & Lieutenant Commander Brennyn Scott M.D. & Lieutenant Ami Rori & Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair & Captain Taiga Aisaka

1,059 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Operation Tokyo Return
Location: USS Myogi

The automatic Boatswain's whistle sounded as Maho disembarked from the turbolift onto the New Orleans class starship's bridge. The Myogi's Captain made her way past tactical down the ramp to the command pit.

"Captain on the bridge:" Keisuke called out, vacating the command chair for his wife.

Maho stood in front of the command chairs looking at the viewscreen.

"All hands, this is the captain:" She ordered. "Please assume your stations for immediate departure."

"Engineering reports that all major systems are up and operational," Ichika announced as she stepped off the turbolift. "lesser systems will be serviced en route to Beta Antares."

"Starfleet told me the repairs were complete." Maho said. "Would someone care to explain to me this discrepancy?"

Ami had quietly come off a turbolift onto the bridge and looked almost like a kid as she sat and stifled a yawn as she perused the bridge station's layout, resolving to change it for her own personal settings. The question from the Captain came as a bit of a surprise, "All the primary repairs are done, I mean, the critical stuff. Life Support is back up to a hundred percent, faster than anticipated and I gotta work on the backups, but I arranged for the spares I requisitioned." She pursed her lips in thought for a moment, "Little stuff like the twelve percent degradation on Decks 5 and 14 in structural integrity can be taken care of en route. Gotta do some heavy work on the secondary computer core, but I've already planned to swap backup duties to the tertiary while I'm doing that." She smiled brightly for about half a second as she finished the report, but that faded back to her usual tired look.

Maho clicked her tongue disapprovingly.

"Not good enough, Lieutenant:" She said. "When I'm told repairs are complete, I expect a pristine ship, not a mostly-pristine ship with underlying problems. Lieutenant Rori, was it? I'm willing to let this slide for now, since you're relatively new here, but take some time to mull over what I just said, because I expect excellence out of my senior officers and nothing less."

Ami's head cocked slightly to the side, her eyes focusing on something well past the Captain, "Well then, Captain, perhaps you shouldn't listen to engineers on a starbase and actually talk to your own." Her eyes refocused and then went absolutely wide, her hands both coming up as if to hold the words in her mouth, "Shit, shit, shit, you can't just SAY that to the Captain." She hissed at herself, "I'm SO sorry, ma'am," She uncovered her mouth long enough to speak.

"Lieutenant, the word that the repairs were complete came from my own engineers:" Maho said. "I'll be expecting a full report on this breakdown in communications once we're en route to Beta Antares."

"Yes, ma'am." Ami squeaked as she all but tried to hide behind her console. 'Chrysta, you and I need to have a talk later. LATER I said.' She said mentally to herself, hearing a voice inside that no one else could.

After showing Captain Aisaka to her quarters, Kurumi entered the bridge and took her position at Tactical. Her fingers ran across its smooth surface as she logged in and looked over the systems. "Tactical online and ready Captain," she reported.

Lieutenant JG Enrique Gonzales made his way onto the bridge. With Ensign Kurosawa stepping back from her duties as Chief of Ops, Lieutenant Gonzales had been brought in among a host of other Junior and Full Lieutenants to supplement the Myogi's Operations department, but as there was no chief, duty of the Ops station on the bridge had been rotating among the officers in Ops. It just so happened that Gonzales had been selected to take the first watch leaving Spacedock. He settled into the chair at the ops station next to helm and configured the LCARS display to his personal settings.

"Ops reports no severe issues, Captain." Gonzales reported. "We're all standing by and awaiting your orders."

"Sickbay is standing ready" came the quiet voice of Victor Delling, who entered without more than the sound of the door opening. His ship boots made no sound on the deck plating. "We have 26 beds occupied at the moment and a small but contained outbreak of LRSV."

Following behind Victor, Bree entered the bridge and reported smoothly, "Counseling has been and continues to be fully operational, Captain." As chief counselor, Bree was expected to split her time between attending to the crew and serving as a mission advisor. She wouldn't normally spend time on the bridge unless specifically requested, but it was also important to her to keep her finger on the pulse of the dynamics of the senior staff as it were.

"Diplomatic is as ready as ever." Elisabeth commented as she made her way onto the bridge behind Victor and Bree. "Though we might be making this and future voyages one El Aurian short."

"Understood." Maho nodded in acknowledgement of the department reports coming in. "Helm, Science, what's your status?"

"Reaction control thrusters, impulse engines, and warp drive are all at one hundred percent, Captain," reported Jane from her forward station. "Flight control is ready for orders."

The doors of the turbolift at the rear of the bridge swished open. Out stepped Captain Aisaka, she held her head high as she made her way into the Myogi's command center. Slowly she made her way over to Maho. "Captain, permission to observe the launch? I would like to see your crew in action."

"Wasn't she supposed to be down in her quarters?" Ichika whispered to Maho, a look of confusion on her face.

"She was..." Maho whispered back.

Maho stared intensely at Taiga for a few seconds before speaking.

"Granted, but remember whose bridge this is, Captain:" She said.

Maho turned to Ops.

"Ops, contact Spacedock departures and request clearance to depart."

Gonzales' fingers danced along the smooth surface of the Ops console.

"Spacedock departures, this is the Starship Myogi, requesting clearance for departure." He said.

"Starship Myogi cleared for departure." The controller responded. "Follow the Starship Elk Grove through space doors and maintain adequate separation."

"Myogi acknowledges; follow Elk Grove through space doors and maintain adequate separation." Gonzales repeated.

To be continued...


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