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Ambrose Hartley Must Die! (Part 1)

Posted on Thu May 30th, 2024 @ 7:49pm by Commander Ichika Misono & Commander Chiyomi Anzai & Captain Maho Takahashi & Commander Victor Delling MD & Lieutenant Commander Kurumi Ebisuzawa & Lieutenant Commander Brennyn Scott M.D. & Lieutenant Ami Rori & Lieutenant JG Max Gill & Lieutenant JG Shirro Kamada & Captain Erica Hartmann & Commander Keisuke Takahashi 'K.T.' & Commander Elisabeth Churchill & Lieutenant Commander Tristana & Lieutenant JG Takumi Fujiwara 'Tak' & Yaeka Sakuragi
Edited on on Thu May 30th, 2024 @ 8:22pm

1,064 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Junichi Koyama
Location: Conference Room, Deck 1
Timeline: Sometime After 'Emergency Treatment'

Commander Ebisuzawa being safe back on board the Myogi was the least of the worries of the crews of the Myogi and Akagi: As multiple factors had arisen as a result of the New Orleans class starship going haywire and firing upon a location on Gamma Zednor's surface. Enough that a joint senior staff briefing was in order between the two crews:

Maho had arrived in the Myogi's conference room first to set up the live video call with their counterparts aboard the Akagi. Once the two captains had sorted out any technical difficulties, the presentation screens in both conference rooms showed a live feed of the other:

Perhaps not all that surprisingly, Ichika was amongst the first to arrive for this meeting; while the details surrounding what exactly had transpired on the surface were still a bit hazy, she had done her diligence to compile the facts the best she could into one coherent report. It wasn't perfect, but until all this commotion had died down, it was the best she was going to get.

"Captain," she greeted, setting her PADD down on that table. "Please make sure that the information on this PADD is forwarded to the Akagi's database, so that their crew may use it for frame of reference."

"Understood:" Maho said as she took the PADD. "The Akagi is forwarding everything they know to us, so it won't hurt if information is shared both ways:"

Ichika nodded and took her seat.

Commanders Anzai and Churchill were next through the doors. With everything that had happened, it was inevitable that Elisabeth was going to be dragged into this sooner rather than later. Nodding in the Captain's direction, the two commanders proceeded to take their seats.

Ami walked in next, still perusing a PADD, glancing up every few seconds, "Captain, Commander, it appears that we have regained control of the weapons systems, but I'm leaving the phasers de-coupled until we're one hundred percent sure. We can have them recoupled and active again within thirty seconds if we need them back up."

In the bottom right corner if the screen a live image of Kurumi appeared. She was still dressed in her 'sickbay clothes' but was sat up on one of the biobeds. "I'm here remotely Captain, the medical staff aren't releasing me or Yaeka yet. It took a while to convince them to let me join remotely." She explained.

"Your presence is still appreciated, Commander:" Maho responded.

"I am also listening" Victor spoke over the comm link out of sight but behind Kurumi "If you would prefer someone from medical be physically present in the meeting, I can send Dr. Erebos."

"You can recouple the phasers now Ami," Kurumi said from the screen. "I can assure you they won't fire again."

"And then you and I are going to be going over the systems in order to prevent this from ever happening again, ma'am." Ami said bitterly, "There are better ways to arrange something like this without trying to get my people injured or killed trying to stop the ship from firing on the surface of a planet."

Kurumi gave the chief engineer a nervous smile. "Yes Chief. I do apologise about that. I can be... overcautious."

Bree entered the conference room, torn between her duties as a senior staff member and wanting to stay in sickbay to look after Karumi and Yaeka. She didn't allow herself to entertain that irrational thought for long. There were plenty of people to hold down the medical fort so to speak, and as much as she would've preferred otherwise, the advantage of having Karumi attend the meeting remotely was Bree could keep an eye on everyone and still be where she needed to be. She offered a simple but respectful nod to everyone, not wanting to interrupt any conversations that may i've been going on.

Max entered, somewhat in a rush. He gave a nod to the assembled and sat down at the appropriate spot.

"Overcautious is one thing, Commander..." Ami muttered, mostly to herself, "This... This was something else entirely." She forced a smile on her face and looked over again to where the Kurumi was on screen, "Thank you, Commander Ebisuzawa, we can coordinate after you've been released from sickbay."

"Shiro made her way to the conference room. "Lieutenant Shiro kamada reporting for duty she said waiting for her orders."

On the main portion of the screen, the last of the Akagi's senior staff could be seen filing into their conference room. With everyone on the Akagi seated, Captain Hartmann turned to face the feed from the Myogi:

"Is that everyone, Captain?" She asked.

"Two of our senior staff will be joining us remotely:" Maho responded. "Otherwise, that should be..."

Maho turned and noticed that there were three empty seats instead of two.

"Wait a minute, where's Lieutenant Sinclair?" She asked.

Her brow furrowed with concern, Ichika reached up and tapped her com badge. =A=Lieutenant Sinclair, Please report to the conference room on Deck one.=A=

She was met with silence.

she tapped her badge again. =A=Lieutenant Sinclair, please respond.=A=

Again, silence.

This time, Maho tapped her combadge.

=A="Takahashi to Tristana:"=A= She said. =A="Mobilize Security and perform a full sweep of the Myogi: Every deck. I want Lieutenant Sinclair found."=A=

=A="Si, Capitan. (Yes, Captain.)"=A= Came Tristana's response.

=A="Commander Anzai will meet you and assist in the search: Takahashi out."=A= Maho said, tapping her combadge once again.

Maho then turned to Commander Anzai.

"You'd better get going, Commander:" She gestured.

"Aye, Captain," Commander Anzai nodded as she got up to leave.

As Commander Anzai left, Maho once again tapped her combadge.

=A="Lieutenant Fujiwara; please report to the conference room:"=A= She said. =A="In the absence of Lieutenant Sinclair, you are acting Chief of Flight Control until the Lieutenant is located."=A=

=A="Understood. I'll be right there:"=A= Came Takumi's response.

Within minutes, Takumi hobbled into the conference room and assumed one of the now four empty seats. Takumi suspected that the reason Maho wanted him here was he was the only other person who had previously gone down to the surface with Jane, and witnessed the development that they had told her about:

To be continued...


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