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The Last Battle that Matters (Part 2)

Posted on Sat Sep 30th, 2023 @ 11:14pm by Commodore Tohru Honda & Captain Maho Takahashi & Captain Shimakaze Zh'gero & Commander Keisuke Takahashi 'K.T.' & Commander Minna-Dietlinde Wilcke & Commander Elisabeth Churchill & Lieutenant Commander Tristana & Lieutenant Commander Ryosuke Takahashi 'Ry' & Lieutenant JG Takumi Fujiwara 'Tak' & Takeshi Nakazato 'Zack' & Lieutenant Paisley (mUra) F'rar & Lieutenant Alisha Reno & Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair & Commander Rize Tedeza & Lieutenant Wyndon Rapisarta & Lieutenant Karen Kujo 'Union Jane'

1,210 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: The Fast & The Fleet
Timeline: After 'The Last Battle that Matters (Part 1)'

Previously, on Star Trek Myogi

As Maho was preparing to make her move; she was brought out of her state of concentration by something unusual happening in front of her:

Shimakaze's R32... The hazard lights were on!

Maho was stunned as Shimakaze gracefully moved over into the normal traffic lane and began slowing down, allowing Maho to overtake in the oncoming lane. The two captains locked eyes as Maho passed.

What are you planning, Zh'gero? Maho wondered.

And now, the continuation:

I want to see them again: Shimakaze thought. The wings of the fabled Andorian Ice Dragon: There's only one driver living that's been skilled enough to sprout them, and it's you; Takahashi!

"Understood. Keep me posted." Mio responded, signing off on the old 20th century handheld. "Sounds like Zh'gero just let Takahashi have the lead. Seems very out of character for Shimakaze..."

"On the contrary; there might be some logic behind it:" Minna responded. "The corner where the White Comet is posted is coming up, is it not?"

"It is." Mio responded. "Do you think she might be wanting to show off in front of the White Comet?"

"Or the person with him:" Minna surmised. "You remember that kid I was talking about? Tedeza, I believe her name was."

"Yeah, what about her?" Mio asked.

"We briefly discussed Maho's speech after the insurrection, before I became captain of the Akina." Minna explained. "It doesn't take a genius to see that Tedeza respects Takahashi a great deal, despite being older than her."

"So you think Zh'gero wants to make Takahashi look bad in front of Tedeza??" Mio gasped.

"Sounds right in character for her, from what you've told me." Minna responded.

The squealing of the tires and the roar of the RB26DETT engines drew closer to Ryosuke and Rize's location.

"They should be here soon." Ryosuke said, turning to Rize. "Pay attention; if what I'm hearing is true, my sister in law should be in the lead:"

"Do you think she's going to be able to keep that lead?" Rize pondered.

"Given the suspicious circumstances under which she obtained the lead from Zh'gero, I'd say not." Ryosuke muttered.

As the two GT-Rs approache the corner where Ryosuke and Rize were standing, Shimakaze was preparing to make her move:

I hope you're paying attention, kid: Shimakaze thought. Because I'm about to show you why you don't idolize has-beens like Takahashi; and why you should instead look up to more accomplished officers like me!

As Maho prepared to round the corner, Shimakaze came up the inside.

And she wasn't lifting:

Do you have a death wish, Zh'gero?? Maho thought. There's no room to pass here! You're going to cause an accident!

Shimakaze continued to press forward with her counterattack, and sure enough, the two GT-Rs made body contact. The spectators on the corner gasped as the contact caused the black GT-R to go wide, allowing the silver GT-R to slip past.

"They're coming in too fast!" Rize shouted. "Get back, get back!!"

It turned out to be the right call; no sooner had the spectators scrambled out of the way that Maho and Shimakaze's R32s came barrelling past, kicking up a massive cloud of dust.

As Shimakaze overtook Maho, She saw out of the corner of her eye that the purple-haired commander hadn't been paying attention after all. Naturally, this left Shimakaze irritated that her attempt to make Maho look bad in front of Rize had backfired.

"Not to rag on you or anything, Lieutenant," Rize coughed as the dust cloud began to settle. "But given how many close calls we've had tonight, I'm starting to see why this sport has a niche audience..."

Ryosuke simply nodded.

"It was always a crapshoot as to whether or not you would take to liking it." He explained. "I was merely trying to help you find talking points to make my sister-in-law more approachable for you. I can see now that I'll have to go back to square one..."

I knew you were planning something, Zh'gero; I just didn't know when. Maho thought, shifting to a higher gear. Not that it matters much; the more you're in the lead, the longer I have to devise a plan to beat you!

The next several corners were rather challenging to take at Shimakaze's pace; and they were corners that not even Amatsukaze, who was the best at keeping up with Shimakaze, could keep up with her through. Yet, through all of them, Maho's R32 remained firmly on Shimakaze's bumper.

Perhaps I've underestimated you, Takahashi: Shimakaze thought. Didn't think you'd be able to keep my pace through the most technical part of the course. Much as I hate to admit it; perhaps I'm dealing with someone who surpasses my skill level!

The optimal place for an overtake is coming up. Maho thought. Apologies in advance to any spectators I might startle...

Maho's hand left the steering wheel and went for the headlight switch.

The two cars had almost arrived at the corner where Minna and Mio were watching.

"They're coming:" Mio said as the glow of headlights appeared from around the corner. "Who's in the-?"

Mio trailed off when just one pair of headlights appeared, yet there was the presence of two cars.

Only one pair of headlights? Mio thought. But where's-?

Mio's mental question was answered before she could finish it when the second pair of headlights suddenly appeared out of the darkness on the inside line.

"HOLY SHIT!!!" Minna and Mio exclaimed in unison.

The blind attack had surprised even Shimakaze, who found herself helpless to defend against Maho as she retook the lead. As the black R32 took the lead, Shimakaze saw what she had been wanting to see:

The Andorian Ice Dragon! Shimakaze thought. Heroes of Andorian legends were said to have ridden on the backs of these mystical creatures, and yet, the way Takahashi drives, she might as well have harnessed their power!

Shimakaze's eyes narrowed.

But, that can't be right: If a non-Andorian can harness the power of an Ice Dragon, then it cheapens our legends! Shimakaze thought. And I refuse to let that happen!

Shimakaze shifted into a higher gear and began her pursuit of the black R32.

Not far from where Maho had overtaken with her blind attack, the two R32s blew past the corner where the SpeedStars' victors (Osytha, Kyhl, Riv, and Varao) were watching. The four of them watched the two GT-Rs disappear around the next corner.

"The other captain has the lead." Riv commented. "Do you think our captain will be able to retake it?"

"Have patience, Riv:" Kyhl responded. "It's a mathematical certainty that in order to keep Captain Zh'gero behind her, Captain Takahashi will be using all of her tires' grip. As such, it would benefit Captain Zh'gero to wait until her opponent's tires are mostly used up to strike."

To be continued...


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