In Defense of Rheuys (Part 3)
Posted on Thu Feb 20th, 2025 @ 3:31am by Captain Maho Takahashi & Captain Erica Hartmann & Captain Koko Kaga & Commander Keisuke Takahashi 'K.T.' & Lieutenant Commander Tristana & Lieutenant Commander Chrirhc Chihc & Lieutenant JG Takumi Fujiwara 'Tak' & Commander Ichika Misono & Lieutenant Commander Kurumi Ebisuzawa & Lieutenant Ami Rori & Lieutenant Moon Ji-hee & Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair & Captain Mikoto Misaka & Commander Chiyomi Anzai & Lieutenant Karen Kujo 'Union Jane' & Lieutenant Alisha Reno
1,982 words; about a 10 minute read
Captains and Contraband
Location: Rheuys System
Timeline: After 'In Defense of Rheuys (Part 2)'
Previously, on Star Trek: Myogi:
Out of the corner of her eye, Commander Anzai spotted the Elachi that Jane had shot at earlier, emerging from his cover with his weapon trained directly at Shnauf's head.
"YOUR MAJESTY, LOOK OUT!" she exclaimed as she instinctively dove in front of the disruptor bolt and dissolving into thin air.
"GO, YOUR MAJESTY!" Keisuke bellowed when he saw the Kaiser hesitating.
The Kaiser freezing up was not a good sign. Chrirhc had raised his rifle in the direction from which the shot had come, and fired right into the wounded Elachi's head. If Keisuke yelling at her to get a move on didn't startle the Kaiser to action, the returning fire most certainly did, as the Kaiser successfully completed her sprint across no man's land and made it to the safety of the office.
Jane followed close behind and, understanding the assignment, slammed the room’s single door shut. She used her phaser to fuse the lock. There. A defensible position. Only one way in and out, getting through it would take getting past her crewmates and the Kaiser’s people and then breach the door. “Catch your breath, Your Majesty,” she said before setting out to see if that legislator had a first aid kit stashed somewhere…
And now, the continuation!
[USS Myogi]
The Myogi shuddered as the first volleys of combat were exchanged. Takumi had to hold onto the helm station to avoid being tossed around.
"The Elachi have taken notice and engaged us." Takumi reported. "Orders, sir?"
"Bank to port, bring the phaser arrays to bear and fire!" Kurumi ordered as she gripped the arms of the center chair. "Continuous fire, rotate frequencies until we punch through their shields."
"Aye, sir:" Takumi replied. "Bringing her around..."
Lt. Moon rocked in her seat as another impact rocked the bridge. "Shields at 93%... Somewhat holding", said the lilac-haired lady. She held her thoughts about how much more fire they could take.
Their shields had weakened slightly, but she hoped auto-modulating frequencies and MLSS aspects would buy them enough time. Although Ji-hee didn't have as much tactical information about the shields on her readout, she could help manage and monitor their power levels.
"Adjust fire, track back thirty percent and traverse across the hull horizontally." Alisha recommended from her station, "I'm reading a fluctuation in their shields in that area."
"Adjusting..." Tristana called out from tactical.
As she did so, however, some sort of green light suddenly crossed the bridge, as if they were being scanned.
"What the hell?" Takumi exclaimed.
"They are trying to find a way to penetrate our shields:" Tristana reported, looking to Kurumi. "Permission to raise shields in essential areas?"
"They should already be raised!" Kurumi responded. "Rotate shield frequencies, keep them rotating randomly."
"Aye, sir: Rotating:" Tristana muttered as the tactical console began going off: "Intruders detected on decks 3, 5, and 9."
"Bridge to security. Intruder alert, decks three, five and nine. Contain and take them out." Kurumi said quickly as she tapped her comm badge. She looked over back at Tristana. "Don't give them an opportunity, hit them with everything we have!"
"Expand those orders!" Tristana blurted out. "More intruders on decks 4, 6, and 10!"
The tension was visible across the Operations chief's facial features. A message popped up on Ji-hee's terminal that showed an Ops team was being engaged. "The Elachi are attacking Main Sensor facilities on Deck 3. Looks like they're also heading towards Cannon access on Deck 4, and Phaser controls on Deck 5."
Lt. Moon had instructed Ops staff to arm themselves and prepare to reinforce Security in critical areas. She could only imagine the horrors as Ops and Security forces exchanged fire on the crowded deck.
A Bolian fell and evaporated in a bright light as a crescent-shaped disruptor bolt tore him apart. A report of his loss popped up on Ji-hee's console. Around him, his comrades intensified their phaser fire and repositioned themselves to keep the invaders at bay.
She teared up and fought through a closed throat to speak, "We're taking casualties on Decks 3.. 5... 9..." After a brief pause she added, "4." She felt her throat clamp up even more as she realized the bridge was vulnerable. She slid a hand under the banister to feel the concealed phaser holster's smooth metal. Her eyes went wide with fear, swallowing a tight gulp that clutched at her throat.
"Moving Auxiliary engine power to the weapons", Ji-hee shouted as she fought to regain composure.
"Sealing the bridge." Alisha stated simply, doing more than just checking the weapon that was at her station, placing it on top of her console just in case. As the forcefields went up around the bridge, it meant that no one would be coming in or leaving until they went down again. That didn't mean they couldn't be brute-forced, but then she was one of the first lines of defense from intruders from the turbolift.
A sudden noise shook Ji-hee from her thoughts and startled her. She had imagined herself in the decks below fighting with the others as the flashing console jarred her from her anxious thouhts.
At this moment, the tactical console began going off, displaying to Tristana that two incoming vessels had been detected.
"Sir, we've got two incoming ships!" Tristana reported. "One of them is the Akagi, but..."
Before Tristana could identify the second ship, the familiar form of Task Force Jomo's Luna class ship followed by a second, much sleeker Federation starship dropped out of warp on the Elachi's opposite flank, effectively forming a pincer movement.
As the Akagi laid down cover fire, several Valkyrie fighters quickly exited the other ship, which proceeded to lay down its own cover fire for them with a volley of Quantum Torpedoes.
=A=God Dammit!=A= Lieutenant Kujo could be heard radioing angrily. =A=This is the second damn time this week that the Corps of Engineers has stolen my thunder!=A=
=A=Easy Janey, let's show them what the Nightkids are really made of!=A= Mia teased her wingmate even though her fighter didn't alter base course, instead dancing around the incoming torpedoes as if she knew precisely where they'd be. Juking and jinking she let loose on one of the Elachi ship, a large explosion and several smaller secondaries from where she'd hit it before breaking off at an unlikely angle and dodging counterfire.
[USS Kaga]
The arrival of another new, previously unseen starship was not lost on Koko. As the ship, which bore a resemblance to both an Akira and an Armitage, yet was different from both designs, began to rain down phaser and torpedo fire on the Elachi vessels, Koko turned to her first officer:
"Did I miss the memo that fleet technology demonstration week was this week?" She asked as one of the Elachi ships, caught off-guard by the sudden arrival of reinforcements, exploded in a brilliant fireball.
A fireball that the unknown ship proceeded to fly right through as it began another attack run on a second Elachi ship.
[USS Myogi]
As a second Elachi ship (one already damaged from the battle) exploded, Tristana noticed the hostiles disappearing from the Master Systems Display.
"Hostiles are beaming out:" Tristana reported. "They're cutting a retreat!"
"Chase them down!" Kurumi ordered. "Don't let them get away! We need to teach them a lesson! Full impulse, weapons free."
"I wouldn't, if I were you!" Koko radioed over the battle comms. "Who knows if reinforcements are waiting-?"
Before Koko could finish, three of the remaining Elachi ships jumped into subspace. The fourth, damaged by this sudden assault by a new, heavily armed, and very pissed off Federation starship, was lagging behind the others, leaving it vulnerable to a retaliatory strike. Which, as the vessel that damaged it swung back around for another pass, is exactly what happened, with the ship unleashing a phaser volley targeting the weakened areas, which resulted in the Elachi ship erupting in a fireball.
As the explosion dissipated and silence once again descended upon the Rheuys system, the Akagi and the other ship turned to face the formation, and for the first time, the second ship's name and registry could be made out on its forward hull:
USS ALITA N.X. 92200
"Sir, the Akagi is hailing us."
"On screen:" Koko ordered.
The Kaga's viewscreen changed to a view of the Akagi's bridge, complete with the familiar visage of Captain Hartmann.
"Kaga." Erica greeted. "I believe this marks the third time I've had to save your bacon."
"We had the situation under control, Hartmann." Koko responded. "No need to bring up the score."
"Is that so?" Hartmann responded in kind. "It certainly didn't look it when we arrived."
"Cut the crap, Hartmann:" Koko said. "What are you doing out here, anyhow?"
"The Akagi was tracking the movements of those Elachi from the Confederate capital of Braxus." Erica explained. "When we observed a personal transmission from Miyahara being broadcast to Sector 813, well, I called upon a favor from an old friend: I'm sure you're familiar with Captain Shokuho?"
At this point, the viewscreen split to reveal the second bridge: Well-appointed, if reminiscent of an Armitage class bridge, and the aforementioned Captain Shokuho, a well-endowed blonde woman with brown eyes.
[USS Ermiana]
Maho immediately recognized the other woman as one of the MFG's star drivers. It was quite odd to see her wearing a Starfleet uniform.
"Misaki Shokuho from the MFG?" Maho asked. "Didn't you retire from Starfleet?"
Captain Shokuho giggled cheekily.
"I believe the more appropriate term would be I became a reservist." She explained. "Besides, I'd never turn down Starfleet throwing me the keys to a brand new vessel, and I believe they will be quite pleased by the Alita's performance."
"With all due respect, Captain, it looks like an Armitage with a bunch of shit glued onto it!" Ichika stated rather frankly.
"Ahem!" Misaka said as she cleared her throat. "As nice as that ship is, we've still got a job to do. Status reports people." Misaka asked/ordered.
"Of course." Shokuho nodded. "Hartmann and I will start calculating their trajectory while you take your head counts."
The Ermiana's viewscreen then switched to its default view, which was presently providing a view of the Akagi and Alita.
"We took a direct hit to deck 16." Maho reported. "The saucer separation mechanisms seem to have jammed. Direct hits to decks 24 through 26, 38 through 40. The core ejection hatch has also been jammed."
"Status of the core?" S'Mira asked.
"Stable." Maho responded. "But I would advise not getting yourselves into a situation that could instigate a warp core breach until one or both of the jammed mechanisms are repaired."
=A="Takahashi to Takahashi:"=A= Came Keisuke's voice over Maho's combadge.
=A="Go ahead, Takahashi:"=A= Maho responded, tapping her combadge.
=A="The Kaiser is secure."=A= Keisuke reported. =A="Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for the President: We are now under a protocol 150 galactic emergency!"=A=
To be continued...
A mission post by
Captain Maho Takahashi
Commanding Officer
Commander Ichika Misono
Executive Officer
Commander Keisuke Takahashi
Second Officer
Commander Chiyomi Anzai
Third Officer
Lieutenant Commander Chrirhc Chihc
Chief Intelligence Officer
Lieutenant Commander Kurumi Ebisuzawa
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
Acting Commanding Officer
Lieutenant Commander Tristana
Assistant Chief Security/Tactical Officer
Lieutenant Ami Rori
Chief Engineer
Lieutenant Moon Ji-Hee
Chief Operations Officer
Lieutenant Alisha Reno
Deputy Air Boss
Lieutenant Karen Kujo
Squadron Leader
Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair
Chief Flight Control Officer
Lieutenant JG Takumi Fujiwara
Assistant Chief Flight Control Officer
With guest appearances by
Captain Mikoto Misaka
Commanding Officer
USS Ermiana
Captain Koko Kaga
Commanding Officer
USS Kaga
Captain Erica Hartmann
Commanding Officer
USS Akagi
And introducing
Captain Misaki Shokuho
Commanding Officer
USS Alita