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In Defense Of Rheuys (Part 2)

Posted on Sat Feb 15th, 2025 @ 7:39pm by Captain Maho Takahashi & Captain Erica Hartmann & Captain Koko Kaga & Commander Keisuke Takahashi 'K.T.' & Lieutenant Commander Tristana & Lieutenant Commander Chrirhc Chihc & Lieutenant JG Takumi Fujiwara 'Tak' & Commander Ichika Misono & Lieutenant Commander Kurumi Ebisuzawa & Lieutenant Ami Rori & Lieutenant Moon Ji-hee & Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair & Captain Mikoto Misaka & Commander Chiyomi Anzai & Lieutenant Karen Kujo 'Union Jane' & Lieutenant Alisha Reno
Edited on on Sat Feb 15th, 2025 @ 8:10pm

1,812 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Captains and Contraband
Location: Rheuys System
Timeline: Immediately Following "In Defense Of Rheuys (Part 1)"

Previously, on Star Trek: Myogi:

"You and me both..." Commander Anzai sighed. "Right, then; so if we know that they're targeting the women, then the Kaiser will no doubt be their main quarry; we should probably incentivize converging on her location and seeing to it that she's secured."

She glanced over at Keisuke. "Commander, would you concur with that assessment?"

"Make it so, Commander:" Keisuke nodded. "Take whoever you need."

"Well, if there are no objections..." Commander Anzai began, shifting her attention to the away team. "Let's move out!"

"I suppose that means everyone, then." Keisuke grumbled, as he moved to follow Commander Anzai.

And now, the continuation!

[USS Ermiana]

Misaka stood in front of her command chair. "Ermiana to Kaga and Myogi. I want you flanking both port and starboard of the Ermiana. We'll go in together, nice and tight." Misaka ordered.

"Roger, Ermiana:" Koko responded. "Myogi; you're on starboard flank: We'll cover port."

Kurumi's voice responded. "Copy that Ermiana. Pulling alongside Starboard." On the viewscreen the Myogi could be seen dropping back to the Ermiana's starboard.

Remaining standing infront of her chair. Misaka's eyes seemed to scan the Elachi ships infront of her. It was as if she was looking for weaknesses or some sort of pattern. "Misaka to Kaga. Launch your starfighters, have them engage the smaller escort vessels. Keep them off our tails." Misaka ordered simply.

"Copy that, Ermiana:" Koko responded. "Fighters away!"

=A=Nightkids are away!=A= Karen could be heard announcing as two additional fighters loomed into view. =A=Come and get some!!!=A=

Mikoto then looked back at Ichika. "Lock phasers on their lead ship. Have the Myogi and Kaga focus on the flanking vessels."

Ichika nodded and punched a lock-on command into her terminal.

"Phasers locked," she reported. "Awaiting your orders to fire, Captain."

"Target their weapons array. If they have one..." Misaka said. "Or something that resembles it. Open fire when in range, full power. Lets not give them a chance here."

"Diverting auxiliary power to phasers," Ichika announced. "Entering range, and... firing!"

"Bring us to hard to port, get the aft phaser straps locked on. Full broadside " Misaka ordered simply.

"Captain; there's something messing with the shield harmonics:" Maho reported as a green light swept across the Ermiana's bridge. "The Elachi might be trying to force their way in:"

"Keep our shields on a rotating frequency. Do not let them board this ship!" Misaka ordered simply. "Have security standing by, just in case."

"Too late," Ichika reported as alarms on her console started going off. "Breaches reported on decks 13 through 17!"

"Wasn't Lieutenant Kajimou down there?" a concerned Ops officer spoke up.

"There are a lot of people down there." Mikoto replied simply as she kept her gaze on the viewscreen.

"But... he's your husband, isn't he-?"

"I'm sure he can handle himself." Misaka replied simply. "Concentrate on your work."

[Rheuysian Reichstag Complex]

"Right this way, your Majesty," Feldmarschall Braush ordered as he hurried Shnauf and Pallis along. "We have to be quick, now; there are reports that the hostiles have penetrated our defenses-!"

Before Braush could finish speaking, however, multiple armed fungal figures suddenly materialized on all sides of the small party, effectively cutting off all means of escape.

"Elachi!" Braush shouted as he instinctively pulled Shnauf to cover.

With the others ducking into cover, Pallis was left exposed and alone in front of the Elachi.

"Wait!" Pallis raised his hands before he was hit by a crescent shaped disruptor bolt, seeming to dissolve right in front of Braush and Shnauf.

"They've got the president!" Stokh cried. "Protect the Kaiser!"

"Shit!" Jane and the others rounded the corner just in time to see Pallis vanish. For her part, the pilot ran forward and took position near Stokh in defense of Shnauf and took shots at Elachi attackers, felling one of them. The President was gone but they could still protect the Kaiser.

"Fancy running into you, F'Rau," Braush remarked as he briefly ducked out from behind his cover and fired off a blind shot. "Where are your compatriots?"

"Right behind you!" Keisuke called before proceeding to lay down disruptor fire, one of which felled an Elachi moving towards Braush, Jane, and Shnauf.

"Where's Pallis?" Commander Anzai demanded as she joined up with the group.

"They've taken him," Braush reported grimly. "I'm sorry, F'rau; I was in no position to protect him-!"

"Dammit!" Anzai cursed as she glanced over at Keisuke. "This has just escalated into a major galactic emergency!"

"Look out!" Stokh shouted, pushing Anzai aside before getting hit by a crescent-shaped disruptor bolt, appearing to dissolve right in front of them.

"No!" Shnauf cried out.

Shouldering his rifle, Keisuke centered the sights on the Elachi that shot at Stokh and quickly dispatched it.

"We need to get the Kaiser out of here!" Keisuke declared. "Forget the warming shelter!"

"Mind you, we have no way of contacting the Myogi," Commander Anzai was quick to point out. "They appear to be using some sort of jamming frequency that's hindering our comms, so unless we deal with that first, we have no way of-!"

Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted another Elachi grunt moving towards Keisuke.

"On your left, Commander!" she shouted as she reached around Keisuke and quickly dispatched of the assailant.

"What about a more localized transport?" Chrirhc suggested, picking off another Elachi. "Does the Palace know of what's going on?"

"Stokh alerted the palace the moment this all started going down." Shnauf explained, shrieking as another Elachi was taken out.

Braush shook his head. "We won't be able to reach them; in the event of a planetside attack, the palace goes into full lockdown; nobody gets in or out, regardless of whether or not the Kaiser is inside."

"I'm not saying we reach the palace:" Chrirhc said, ducking another crescent shaped disruptor bolt. "I'm saying we conduct an emergency transport of the Kaiser there, unless 'nobody gets in' includes by transport?"

"I'm afraid so," Braush lamented. "One of our security measures is a transporter inhibitor that prevents hostiles from beaming directly into the palace; we'd be dashed to atoms if we attempted likewise."

"Great, so we have a high priority target with nowhere to go." Chrirhc grumbled. "I suppose the only thing we can do is wait them out!"

"Then we'll just have to hold out for as long as we can," Commander Anzai surmised, before turning to Shnauf. "Stay put, Your Majesty- we'll handle this!"

"Wish I were in a tank, wish I were in a tank..." Ami kept muttering to herself, seeing yet another of the Rheuysians get hit by the crescent pulse and dissolve, then shoving her own way into the empty spot between the Elachi and the Kaiser. She kept her rifle raised and laid down a steady rate of fire as they just kept coming. A carefully aimed shot managed to hit one of them just under where the clavicle would be, dropping the Elachi where it stood, then she raised her voice, "Wait them out, hold them off, can we do this somewhere that we're not going to keep getting assaulted from both sides? We need somewhere secure we can stash Their Majesty that's easier to defend.. If we had an armored vehicle, or a room with one entrance, or something?" Fear was obvious in her voice.

"Room with one entrance would be perfect," Jane agreed, firing and hitting another Elachi. One more she didn't see got close and struck at her with the butt of its rifle. She threw her arm up to deflect the blow from her head, white hot pain briefly flooding her senses as the weapon glanced off her wrist. It was enough to knock her off her feet, but that freed her to trip the Elachi and bought just enough time to get her disruptor into her other hand and fire point-blank at her attacker. Keeping her weapon awkwardly trained on where other Elachi were coming from (but unable to aim it properly with a broken wrist), she pushed her way closer to the Rheuysians. She slung the disruptor over her shoulder and drew her sidearm to rejoin the fight.

"Are you alright there, Lieutenant?" Commander Anzai called out.

Jane took another shot, forcing an Elachi to take cover. “I’ll live, Commander, but I’ll need a medic when this calms down.” It wasn’t the first time she’d broken bones in her hand or wrist and it wouldn’t be the last.

Looking around for a potential "room with one entrance," Keisuke spotted a closed doorway in his peripheral vision.

"Braush!" He called out as he shot another Elachi. "What's in the doorway to my 9 o'clock?"

"A legislator's office," Braush reported. "If memory serves me correctly, that room in particular has only one entrance and no windows."

"Perfect!" Keisuke exclaimed. "Get the Kaiser inside: It's a much more defensible position than out in the open! Sinclair: You'd best join her. We'll need someone else inside in case these bastards try to bypass our perimeter!"

“Yes, sir!” Jane said.

Out of the corner of her eye, Commander Anzai spotted the Elachi that Jane had shot at earlier, emerging from his cover with his weapon trained directly at Shnauf's head.

"YOUR MAJESTY, LOOK OUT!" she exclaimed as she instinctively dove in front of the disruptor bolt and dissolving into thin air.

"GO, YOUR MAJESTY!" Keisuke bellowed when he saw the Kaiser hesitating.

The Kaiser freezing up was not a good sign. Chrirhc had raised his rifle in the direction from which the shot had come, and fired right into the wounded Elachi's head. If Keisuke yelling at her to get a move on didn't startle the Kaiser to action, the returning fire most certainly did, as the Kaiser successfully completed her sprint across no man's land and made it to the safety of the office.

Jane followed close behind and, understanding the assignment, slammed the room’s single door shut. She used her phaser to fuse the lock. There. A defensible position. Only one way in and out, getting through it would take getting past her crewmates and the Kaiser’s people and then breach the door. “Catch your breath, Your Majesty,” she said before setting out to see if that legislator had a first aid kit stashed somewhere…

To be continued...


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