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Let's Race! (Part 1)

Posted on Tue Aug 15th, 2023 @ 11:29am by Commodore Tohru Honda & Captain Maho Takahashi & Captain Shimakaze Zh'gero & Commander Keisuke Takahashi 'K.T.' & Commander Minna-Dietlinde Wilcke & Commander Elisabeth Churchill & Lieutenant Commander Tristana & Lieutenant Commander Ryosuke Takahashi 'Ry' & Takeshi Nakazato 'Zack' & Commander Ichika Misono & Lieutenant Alisha Reno & Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair & Commander Rize Tedeza & Lieutenant Karen Kujo 'Union Jane'

842 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: The Fast & The Fleet
Location: Earth Spacedock, Holosuite 5

Holosuite 5 in Earth Spacedock had been selected as the venue for the faceoff between the crews of the Myogi and the Haruna. Over the past two weeks, word of the battle had spread beyond the crews of the two New Orleans class starships, and now officers from across the fleet were gathering on the simulated Japanese mountain pass to see this rather unusual clash of the titans.

A white Volkswagen Beetle with 53 gumballs and red, white, and blue racing stripes pulled into a spot where other officers from the USS Akina. When the vehicle shut off, the doors opened, and out stepped Commanders Wilcke and Sakamoto.

"Looks like it hasn't begun yet." Minna said.

"The crew of the Myogi aren't here yet." Mio noted. "Everyone we've passed doing practice runs has been from the Haruna. I hope it's just because..."

Mio trailed off as a white FC3S Mazda RX-7 rounded the corner, heading up the mountain fast. Mio recognized the car as something of a living urban legend:

The White Comet?? Mio thought. But... How?

"Because of what, Commander?" Minna asked.

"Didn't you feel the aura coming off that car?" Mio asked. "The one that just went by?"

"What's gotten into you, Commander?" Minna asked. "Sounds like you've caught the bug, and I'm not referring to Herbie."

Further up the mountain, the FC pulled to a stop at a different pullout. The FC Pulled to a stop at a different pullout. The pop up headlights folded neatly into the hood and front bumper as the engine shut off. The driver was wearing a trench coat and dark sunglasses. He was dressed in a manner as if he didn't wish to be recognized.

"It's a beautiful day for a race, isn't it?" He asked to his passenger, despite the program's time settings being locked to the dead of night.

"If I'm being honest, Doc, this seems like an awful lot of trouble for these two Captains to be going to just to resolve a simple dispute," the familiar, lavender-haired officer seated in the passenger seat remarked with an air of mild skepticism. "If Captain Takahashi wanted Captain Zh'gero's help all that badly, couldn't she have just taken it straight to Commodore Honda?"

"Street racers have a funny way of resolving disputes." The driver commented. "Sure, the easier way to do it would be through a fistfight or by taking matters to the authorities as you've pointed out, but what's the fun in that when you can race to determine who has the better skills and/or equipment. I didn't spend my years leading up to Starfleet perfecting my fastest driver theory for nothing, and since I'm passing through between assignments, I figured I'd stop in and see how my brother is applying the knowledge he's learned. Perhaps he has developed his own 'fastest driver' theory..."

The Lavender-haired officer tilted her head to one side. "Doesn't seem like that would have a whole lot of practicality in Starfleet, if you ask me," she remarked.

"Perhaps not." The driver agreed. "Earth ground car racing is an incredibly niche hobby, after all."

At the top of the mountain, the Haruna SpeedStars had gathered awaiting the arrival of their opponents; the Myogi NightKids. The SpeedStars weren't alone, of course, as Commodore Tohru Honda also awaited the arrival of the NightKids.

"Understood. Keep me posted. Honda out." Tohru said, tapping her combadge to turn it off before turning to Shimakaze. "They're on their way."

"Excellent." Shimakaze replied. "That means we'll finally be able to get this show on the road."

Soon, the squealing of tires could be heard, followed by the glow of headlights.

At last, you show yourselves, NightKids... Shimakaze thought.

The first vehicle to round the corner was a black Nissan Skyline GT-R, leading an unlikely procession of vehicles. The likes of which included a yellow FD3S Mazda RX-7, a fifth generation Chevrolet El Camino, and an AE86 Toyota Corolla Levin.

Behind the last of the cars came a motorcycle, a mix of black and candy-apple red. As the cars turned in to park, the woman on the Ninja revved her engines and sped out across the front of the cars, throwing on the front brakes as she reached the end of the line, sliding the back of the bike and herself two hundred and fortyish degrees so the bike lined up with the cars, making sure that the NightKids logo in brown and black was visible to their opponents as she made the maneuver.

The convoy of vehicles pulled to a stop across from the SpeedStars' vehicles and shut their engines off. The air was soon filled with the sounds of doors opening and closing as the drivers dismounted their vehicles. The doors of the black Skyline GT-R opened, and out stepped Captain Maho Takahashi and Takeshi Nakazato.

"Sorry we're late, Commodore:" Maho said. "The Myogi NightKids are here to kick some ass."

To be continued...


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